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Music-Tripping and Sensual Explosions
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Citation:   Merde de Dieu. "Music-Tripping and Sensual Explosions: An Experience with Psilocybin Mushrooms (exp34422)". Aug 6, 2022.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I had a very pleasant and positive first mushroom trip a few nights ago. The setting was a northern BC lake-side house owned by the same folks I had just finished a tree-plant contract for. Downstairs offered a large, sparse space with thin industrial carpeting and bare bulbs, while the upstairs rooms were comfortably appointed, had a view out onto the lake and thick shag carpetting. I was surrounded with people I had worked closely with for six weeks and felt very comfortable around. About ten of us had taken shrooms at various times of the night.

Ate the shrooms straight up, dried, one at a time from my hand, with three other friends outside the house. Moved back in to wait for the trip, dancing some and playing cards. Time started to slow down and card-playing became an increasingly complex task. The music started to draw me more and more and I finally got up to dance.

This part of the trip was the most intense for me. Time lengthened more and more, and I experienced slightly lowered inhibitions about movement and physical contact. I noticed that I tended to connect more with others in terms of eye-contact and smiles. Conversation ceased to have meaning - and eventually I just went to sit down, watch and think.
Conversation ceased to have meaning - and eventually I just went to sit down, watch and think.
Probably an hour objective time spent wandering in and out of my mental space, alternating observations about myself and the people surrounding me, and feeling overwhelming feelings of love, affection and occasionally hate towards towards specific people.

Eventually faded into a series of what I dubbed Shmorgasms - waves of heat and texture that seemed to go all the way through my body - each orgasm subtly different from the last. Also during this time I had a few moments of intense discomfort in my guts - which I now realise must have been me passing gas. This marked the end of the most intense part of the trip for me, and the most introverted. The second half of the night was much more social: talking and chatting on the balcony, and dancing the sun up, finally ending the whole experience together with a polar bear swim in the lake. During this time I often had moments of unusual insight into other people's thoughts and occasionally experienced the sensation of being part of a group mind.

I slept for a few hours after the sun rose, and awoke feeling refreshed and invigorated. My dreams were unusually vivid the next time I slept.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34422
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 6, 2022Views: 642
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