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Mario Cart
Citation:   Stuck Mojo. "Mario Cart: An Experience with 2C-C (exp34431)". Oct 24, 2006.

50 mg oral 2C-C (powder / crystals)
500mg 2cc arrive in the mail. I gulp down 45-50mg,

I don’t know if I’m sensitive or not but 2C-C got extremely visual at the peak of the experience. The trip came out in about 25mins and my stomach didn’t seem too happy at all considering what I’ve heard from other people, but I did not puke, I almost did, but it was more of a hacking lougie spit because this stuff made my saliva very thick and annoying. I was spitting every minute for 30 more mins till my body adjusted to the chemical.

The first 30mins after the trip started I spent laying on the floor next to my trash can (The usual trip position with most RC's because they all seem to make me wretch) and slowly saw the visuals build up and up and up while feeling my skin and noticing 1/8mdma like tactile sensations over my body and this hazy cloud of trippyness start to get stronger. I cant really describe the feeling but it felt like a huge soft cloud entered my brain and everything became soft and pleasant and the visuals seemed to feel that way too.

The colorfull visuals just soft of oozed out softly at first then it got extremely flooded. Imagine how 2ce or amt or lsd visuals flow out like Niagara Falls. These visuals flowed out like it was on a nice 45 degree angle falling gently to the lake bottom (very pleasant). After I got adjusted about 30mins after I started tripping I felt capable enough to jump on my computer and type 'LOERLEOELOLOLOL IM FUCKING TRIPPING NICE' in my irc chat room.

My friend pm'ed on AIM and coaxed me into playing Super Mario cart on zsnes over the internet and man it was a sensory blast. The freaking shells I shot out at all the other players had massive, massive trails behind them. Oh and about the trails whew. I observed the typical waving of the hand in front of my face technique and the trails were massive but my hand itself wasn’t just flowing from side to side clearly like some psychedelics but it was like the frame rate in my brain got lowered to 15fps on fast moving objects while my brains thinking stayed at around at a more than average frame rate.

I guess the same equation was directly proportional to my motor skills also being limited but it was so soft. I can see why everybody could think that this would be a good starter psychedelic for people because it was so friendly and fun with zero anxiety (After first 30mins of trip.) The visuals faded out after about 3 hours after the peak and I proceeded to down 1mg of xanax and slept like a baby. No difficulty. If you want a description of the visuals I'd have to say it would be a generic psychedelic with 2x color and softness. Excellent night. The next day I felt kinda lucid but mental process still in the high FPS.

PS I couldnt stop fucking laughing that I was playing mario cart on the 50cc race mode while on 2cc. I kept shouting on zsnes I’m tripping on 2C-C, 50cc WATCH OUT!!!'

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34431
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2006Views: 10,779
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2C-C (262) : General (1), Alone (16)

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