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Body Trips
by jed
Citation:   jed. "Body Trips: An Experience with 2C-C (exp34481)". Jul 21, 2013.

I cant really put my finger down on the 2 c-c dose in which I'm currently getting effects from. From reading experiences I'm supposed to have visuals and such. Anyways my friend ordered the 2 c-c from a chemical website and the effects for me are negatory. Sweaty, body feels entirely sunburned, and then random flashes of hot and cold. The temperature outside is about 104 (Arizona summer heat) but I cant really say I had a good feeling on this, my friend who did a little higher dose than me is feeling sick with the same symptoms as me. I would think that this was a bad batch of chem but maybe I'm not tolerant to it or something. Taste and smell are definately altered and body trips are what seems to be the main effect of the chemical. The temperature of my room is exactly 75 degrees but my body feels at least 10 - 15 degrees hotter even though I'm covered in blankets from a cold shiver... Cant really say any more I will be willing to try a different batch perhaps to try and get the full effects but until then I had negatory effects for 2 - 4 hours.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34481
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2013Views: 1,820
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2C-C (262) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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