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Rave Night on Crystal Meth
Citation:   Cystal Meth. "Rave Night on Crystal Meth: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp34781)". Dec 14, 2007.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I have been remembering the past situations I was involved in. I remember waking up to sunsets and feeling wonderful. They were my closest friends at first, and until the end of my use.

It was the night of the Bassrush Rave. My buddy and his friend came over to hang with me, and I had bougth $40 worth of crystal. My friends had bought $100 worth of it too. It was around 9 at night when they came over, and we all did lines of crystal. We were fucking tweaking. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] I drove us to the rave and we fucking tweeked with a 1000 plus ravers. We left the rave around 2 am. We drove home still fucked up. I remember driving through downtown LA on the freeway, and feeling like I was in the game Gran Turismo. Racing along the night streets of LA. Just the streets lights lit up the freeway, and the quiet sound of my engine, along with the blaring music of Jungle. When we arrived back at my place in the Marina, we went directly to my room.

We got in and cleared off my wooden table, and got some tin-foil out. My buddy poured some crystal rock onto the foil and began the process of cooking the speed. A smoke filled the surrounding area as the crystal melted on the foil. He blew on it to cool it off. He told me to do the honors. I grabbed my straw and blew out all the air in my lungs. As he begun to light the Crystal from underneath, a small amount of smoke began to combine. About 10 seconds into the cooking, smoke gathered in a beautiful cloud and I began to breath in the smoke into my system. I inhaled the crystal until I could not inhale any longer. At that point, I waited for about 5 seconds then blew the smoke out of my body slowly. The smoke was so thick, I couldn't see my body in front of me. They cheered my on with making me feel welcomed and powerful. As my buddy began to take his hit, I immediately felt the Crystal doing work on my body. I felt a rush of happiness, love, motivation, sympathy to my head. I said to the guys that this shit was exceptionally the best thing to happen to me in my college experience.

Hours turned into minutes. From 3 am to about 7 am, seemed like 20 minutes. I was working on my computer all that time designing an LTJ Bukem t-shirt. I happen to hear a noise off to my left. My buddy and his friend were on my balcony. I went out side to talk to them. The sun had just barely began to rise. The sky was beautiful. The colors were as from a painting or digital image corrected in photoshop. I sat down next to them and had a ciggarrette. We chatted about the past and the good times we had, had. As morning fell upon us, the guys left and went home. I went back to my computer and enjoyed the drug for a few more hours. I eventually fell asleep later in the day. I had been awake for nearly 48 hours.

After thought:

It was situations like this one, which almost every tweak was like. It was situations like these that I still want to experience. I am glad to be clean, and glad to be able to graduate soon. I hope to remain clean up to and after graduation. My experience with crystal, was one of pleasure. Sure I did work while on it, but more importantly, I did it to feel free, happy to be alive, solve problems I was having with my inner self. Those problems haven't surfaced yet, therefore I cannot explain in detail what they are.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 34781
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2007Views: 19,522
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Methamphetamine (37) : Various (28), General (1)

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