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Our Dreams Can Become Realities
Citation:   Coco Miami. "Our Dreams Can Become Realities: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp34854)". Aug 28, 2005.

1.5 oz oral Mushrooms (fresh)
Well, I started getting into this whole mushroom growing thing a while ago, and am experimenting with many different ways to grow. I started with Ecuadorians since I read they were easy to grow, potent, etc. When I get a good bath of these (my attempts so far have been pretty under-par) I'll move on to B+ and Hawaiians and what not (trying to find my favorites).

Well enough of my rambling, onto the story!... a little background first. I'm in my last teenage year, and starting using at 13. My first experience was with a purple geltab (acid) and what an experience it was! It was quite odd going off to middle school tripping on acid, all these kids around me thinking I'm going nuts or something. Anyway, the years that followed saw me inviting MDMA, more acid, pot and cocaine into my system. I eventually stopped everything (yes, even pot, as hard as it might be to believe) since I figured I was wasting too much cash and needed a little something for college and what not. Well, after about a year or so of not using, I started reading up on shrooms. And growing them. And eating them. And tripping on them. And shrooming! And so I got into it.

Well, after my first grow and drying, I figured I might as well try it (hard work for nothing? I don't think so!) It was a regular day, but I was a little down since I hadn't registered for my fall classes and I had just quit my job, bills were piling up, and well my personal life isn't in the best condition. But I figured what the hell, and tried it anyway (call me stupid if you like) but since I'm pretty experienced with drugs, I thought I could handle it. And the dose was low. And my screensaver is cool. And I have lots of music. And I've read so many experiences it's like I've done it already.

Yeah, right.

It took about 1 1/2 hours to set it good. A friend of mine stopped by we started busting each others chops. I just kept repeating 'Dude it's coming! I feel it!' But it wouldn't hit me already. It lingered in the back. A feeling of shroom. Just something.

Then my friend started doing a scene from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and damn, I was gone.

The laughter triggered something inside. It let the flood gates open, and everything in my vision was instantly goo'ed. Like I was trapped inside a jelly bean or something. Things seemed strange though. I wasn't spirtual. I wasn't happy. Wtf?

Ego death set in. Quick, I might add. Wow, I didn't think one and a half mushies could kick my ass! But they did. :(

Ego death was crazy. I mean, nuts. It was like our bodies our surrounded by a thick layer of warmth and happiness and we feel so safe in this, and in this, our dreams can become realities, and the real world is far from us (at least my layer). It's like my mind is in a retreat. I didn't know this until shrooms, because they took it all away.

I found myself bare. Like a naked child. On the floor. Crying. Why? To have a good cry. And wow it felt great. I haven't cried in a long time.

But it wouldn't stop. I just kept crying. It felt like I was letting out something inside me that had been laying dormant for a while. Sadness. The fact I had no job. What am I going to do with life? What decision should I make in school? What classes to take? Financial aid? My girlfriend? My mother? My sick grandmother? My childhood? My innocence? The fact that I'm growing shrooms and it looks like a drug lab (or so it looked like under the influence of shrooms!)?

All these thoughts, speeding at one hundred miles an hour. Like I'm playing Dr. Mario and trying to get rid of them all. But they just kept piling on. This was the real world. Damn, this sucks.

After a bit, I found myself stumbling onto a mirror. And what a mirror it was! I couldn't take my eyes off of myself! My face mutated into a million different forms. My eyes sunk into my head, my cheekbones rose up and down as if doing pushups in my face, my hair grew and cut itself.

Then I had to go pick up my sister. And I did. And it worked out fine. And I swore I'd never do mushrooms again. I didn't want to see the real world, I wanted to see my world. But it was an interesting experience, one that yeah, I'd do again. In a heartbeat.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34854
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 28, 2005Views: 12,332
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