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Seizing Combo
5meo-DMT, Zyvox (antibiotic), unkown anti-histamine
Citation:   Kathy. "Seizing Combo: An Experience with 5meo-DMT, Zyvox (antibiotic), unkown anti-histamine (exp34930)". Jul 6, 2004.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
This weekend I witnessed the seizure and suppressed respiration of a woman I will call 'Kathy' after she smoked 5meo-DMT.

The event took place at an outdoor music festival. I was not on the scene at the time of ingestion or when the seizure began but was among those summoned when it was clear something had gone wrong.

What witness relayed to me is the following:
1) Kathy was planning to smoke 5meo-DMT with at least three other people: A, B, and D. None of them knew her well.

2) Their method of consuming the 5meo was to sprinkle a small amount (estimated to be 10-20 mg, but never measured) onto a pipe-bowl full of marijuana and to apply direct flame to the mixture to smoke it. This technique had been employed successfully at least once in the previous day.

3) A, B, and D went first. As such, they were not highly observant at the time that Kathy went.

4) A was the last to sprinkle 5meo on the bowl of pot before Kathy. He believes that after his application, there was somewhere between 25 and 50 mg of 5meo-DMT remaining in the vial.

5) It appears that Kathy sprinkled the entirety of this onto the pot and took a hit off of it.

6) Within a second of inhaling, Kathy collapsed from her sitting position and began to seize.

At this point, D ran for help. I arrived in the second wave of help, perhaps 15 minutes after Kathy started to seize. What I witnessed with my own eyes is that her lips were blue, her limbs were twitching feebly, her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, he pupils did not respond to bright light being shined in them, her tongue was flopping in her mouth, and her breathing was shallow.

CPR was administered by an off-duty EMT. Her tongue was fished out of her mouth. Encouraging words were spoken. After perhaps another 10 minutes Kathy's seizure ended, her breathing improved, and color returned to her lips and face.

Within half an hour after the seizure Kathy was behaving normally and reporting that she had had a wonderful experience. She did not at first remember that she had smoked 5meo-DMT, but that came to her perhaps 15 minutes after she regained consciousness.

Prior to this, during the seizure itself, we searched Kathy's bag, out of the hope that seizures were a normal occurance for her and that she might possess anti-seizure medication.

What we found in her bag was a prescption bottle for an antibiotic called Zyvox. At the time none of us thought anything of it. Later, after Kathy was awake, she also reported that she was taking an anti-histimine, though she did not say what.

A later web search reveals that Zyvox, a very powerful antibiotic, is also a mild MAOI. It seems likely at this point that the combination of a mild MAOI, an anti-histimine (most of which are counterindicated with MAOIs) and the subsequent 5meo-DMT dose caused Kathy to seize.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34930
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2004Views: 26,148
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5-MeO-DMT (58), Pharmaceuticals (73) : Combinations (3), Second Hand Report (42), Health Problems (27), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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