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by Joh
Citation:   Joh. "Pleasant: An Experience with Ginger (exp35010)". Jun 5, 2007.

1.5 tsp oral Ginger (tea)
Hello, I have never experimented with ginger before. I just found some ground ginger from my kitchen and remembered that it was mentioned online. I searched about it, read all the experiences and decided to make some tea. I'm very tired at the moment, I've been awake the whole night.

9:18 - The water is warming up and 1 & 1/2 teaspoonfuls of ground ginger is waiting in a cup.

9:22 - Okay, the water reached 100°C. I poured the water in the cup, stirred it and now I'm gonna let it steep for 5-10 minutes (stirring continuously).

9:30 - Here we are. The tea is coloured grayish-brown, like sand. The smell is kinda weird.

9:31 - It's VERY bitter. Ouch! And it's also hot, it like burned my throath. Going to kitchen. Maybe I can find something to mask the taste.

9:35 - Added 4 teaspoonfuls of sugar and took a cup of milk. It's still so damn bitter. It's alright with milk - I'll now drink it as fast as possible.

9:40 - Ah, done. It wasn't pleasant. It took like 3 cups of milk per one cup of tea.

9:44 - I'm already feeling it's stimulative effects - at least I think so :) I put on some quiet trance music.

9:48 - I feel a slight discomfort in my stomach but also feeling very relaxed. Mentally and physically. Mild headrush.

9:53 - I feel mildly euphoric and full of energy I just don't feel need to use ;) Very relaxed.

10:00 - The effects are almost totally wore off.

Overall, it was a positive experience. There are only two negative sides - the effects wear off quickly and it's awfully bitter taste.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35010
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2007Views: 41,353
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