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The Supernatural Dimensions (Out of Body Exp)
Citation:   Nicholas D.. "The Supernatural Dimensions (Out of Body Exp): An Experience with Codeine (exp35200)". Erowid.org. Dec 7, 2004. erowid.org/exp/35200

300 mg oral Codeine (extract)
I always used to consider myself as being a rational person. I skepticalized everything I her'd seen as to do with reality. Some people say they have taken drugs and had out of body experiences, meaning that they have actually drifted out of their bodies, into another world or dimension of some sort while being under the influence of some sort of drug.

Codein can create very vivid, strong dreams, and sometimes Hallucinations, that have an effect during sleep. Well I didn't have an extreem dream, I had numerous out of body experiences while abusing this drug. I used the codein extraction technique to gain my experiences.

When I was high on the substance one day, I had the most bizzar incounter with the unknown, that it changed the way I think. I had an Outer Body Experience.

I've been using Codein and Morphine on and off for years and have had the out of body experience only when under the imparment of the drug. It started one night when I took 300mg of codein extracted from 40 tabs of asprin with codein). I was 18 years old and quite dependent on morhine/codein, so I could handle the higher dose. It kicked in at 9pm and the drowsiness kicked in after an hour, so I decided to hit the sack. I laid down on my couch for about a half hour when the most weirdest thing happened. I didn't know if I was awake or asleep at the time, it was about 10:30pm when my body violently began to tremble, I thought I was dying, I went completely parylized unable to move, and then it happened I took a smooth leap out of my body. It was real. I was floating around my bedroom, my body that I left behind looked like a lifless corpse.

I was scared but intrigued, I started to fly out of my room, into the kitchen, until I was actually outside the house. I could see my next door neighbours drinking beer, people ariving for their party that they had goin on. I tried to interact with them but they could not see me. I entered the house and there were people laughing having a good time, I thought how amazing it was. Even the neighbours dog barking at me while I was invisibly inside the house. The people were yelling at the dog, 'What are you barkin at stupid dog?' I new the experience had to be real, so I started to fear it, I imediotly went back to my house in my room and climbed back into my body and woke up. Once I woke up, I wanted to see for sure if it was real. So I put my clothes back on and went next door knocking on the door. Sure enough everything I saw was in perfect place, the same as my expereince I left behind minutes ago. I asked my neighbour if I could join them, she said sure, go get a beer in the fridge. As I scouted the house, sure enough the dog started barking at me, the same people were there yeling at the dog to shut up, and my life was changed.

I never mentioned it to anyone. I was 18 at the time, since then, Ive had similar experiences many times that I could truely verify. The astro travelling only happens when I take morphine tabs or codein.

We all may have an Out of Body Experince one time or another, but many of us dismiss it as a dream. I'm telling you, I'm 21 now, but befor I had the experiences I never really beleived we had a soul, but we do. If you experience the same thing I have, it may change the way you view the concept of reality, and it just may open a door to a different world that few of us can really beleive. For all you astro travellers out there, it could be drugs or without them, but when you experience the journey, your mind may never be able to deny The Supernatural Dimensions.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 7, 2004Views: 32,082
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Codeine (14), OBE (332) : Alone (16), General (1)

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