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Strange Trip
by J.T.
Citation:   J.T.. "Strange Trip: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp35256)". May 1, 2007.

3 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Nutmeg as a drug first came to my attention after seeing the movie 'Malcolm X', wherein Malcolm , while in prison, is given nutmeg to help him kick his habit. I happened to be discussing this with my boss, and she told me that she had heard that one tablespoon of nutmeg will keep you high all day. Well, the very next day, she brought in a jar of nutmeg, and the experiments began. She only took about one or two teaspoons, I scooped about two heaping tablespoons into my coffee, which made the coffee taste terrible. I had to wash the coffee down with water. I scooped some more nutmeg into the coffee. Afterward, I spooned out the nutmeg residue at the bottom of the cup and ate that, too. And then I waited...

After a while, I started feeling a warmth over my body, and everything became kinda funny to me. The small group that I worked with had a meeting, and just about everything that was spoken about seemed funny to me. I began to laugh at almost everything. I felt like I had a nice buzz going on. Back at my desk, I had my little tinny radio playing, and a Four Seasons song came on. I happened to be holding a pair of scissors in my hand. I sat there, holding the scissors up at eye level, staring at them as I listened to this Four Seasons song.

It sounded as if I were right there in the studio with Frankie Valli and the boys, and I could hear somebody hitting wrong notes in the background! Needless to say, my audio perceptions were greatly enhanced. After a while, I realized that I was sitting there staring at a pair of scissors. I didn't know how long I was sitting there doing this, but I decided to put the scissors down before someone noticed.

My boss came over and asked me how I felt. I went into some long, drawn out dialogue about something, and when I finished, I couldn't remember what I had just talked about! That's when I realized that maybe it was time for me to go home. My boss agreed. It had been about 3 and a half hours since I took the nutmeg, and the 'nice buzz' was starting to get intense.

As I was getting my things together, a couple of friends came over to my desk to show me some T-Shirts that they had made. I couldn't, for the life of me, make out the designs on the shirts. It was just splashes of color to me. The two of them stood there smiling as they told me about the shirts. My boss came out and cut them off, telling them that I had to leave on company business. When she did that, their faces seemed to ripple, like two puddles of water. It was like their smiling faces rippled into frowning faces. I was like...'Wow!'.

It was around this time that everything seemed to be in the 'Now'. What I mean is, there was no past, no future, just Now. Next thing I knew, I was waiting for the elevator. Didn't remember walking down the hall to the elevators. Next, I was leaving the building. Didn't remember coming down in the elevator. Now, I started to get scared, because I had a long commute home. I worked in downtown Brooklyn, NY, and I lived out in Long Island. I had to take a subway and two railroad trains to get home. I made it to the railroad station.

By now, it felt like I was stone drunk, and there was a constant buzz in the back of my head. I hopped on the first train leaving, and I had to constantly tell myself to get off in Jamaica. I felt that I might end up riding the train back and forth for however long this thing lasted. I sat towards the middle of the car. A couple of people sat at the end of the car, and were talking. It sounded like they were sitting right next to me! My eyes wouldn't stay still. I tried closing them, but when I did, I got this falling sensation, like I was falling right through the seat. I tried to read a book, but I kept reading the top line over and over again! I couldn't make my eyes go down to the next line! I ended up just looking out of the window, but instead of watching the scenery go by, my eyes focused in on every bit of ballast and debris that went by! If a dime were sitting out there on the tracks, I would've spotted it!

I made it as far as Babylon, and I called my wife to come and pick me up. By now, everything seemed unreal, as if I were sitting somewhere daydreaming about all of this. My wife showed up, and I explained to her what happened. While I was explaining, it seemed to me that she was sort of giggling about it, so I kinda laughed as I spoke. When I was finished, she yelled at me, which took me by surprise because I thought she had been giggling earlier. And her face looked angry in an exaggerated way. I remember her calling me all kinds of 'stupid'. All I could do was just put my head on her shoulder as she drove, partly because the movements of the car were making me nauseous. It had been about 6 hours since I first took the nutmeg, and things were really starting to slip.

When we got home, I went straight to bed. Everything seemed so unreal. I wasn't sure if I were really home, or still riding the train and thinking about all of this. I tried to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I would see patterns, like stripes and plaids and things. It was too distracting. I tried to look at T.V., but I couldn't seem to make out the images. I knew it was 'The Flintstones' that was on, but I couldn't make them out. All I saw was distorted colors. Amazingly, I was able to hear my neighbors eating dinner and talking. Outside of my bedroom window was a walkway, a fence, a driveway, and my neighbor's house. My window was partially open, and their side door was open. I could clearly hear their utensils hitting their plates as they ate and talked. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they spoke spanish.

At some point in the evening, I 'felt' as if the skin were melting off of the bottom half of my face. I truly believed that the bottom half of my skull was showing. When my wife walked into the room, I covered the bottom half of my face with the sheets. When she asked me why I was doing that, I told her that the skin melted off of the bottom half of my face, and I didn't want her to see me like this. She just stood there with a very concerned look on her face, and then she left the room. At some point, I got up and ate some pizza. I don't remember getting up, I just remember being in the kitchen eating the pizza. Then, I was back in bed. Don't remember getting in the bed. Later on, I remember being in the bathroom with my head in the toilet, throwing up. Don't remember getting up to go to the bathroom. Just remember being there. It had been about 11 hours since I took the nutmeg.

An amazing thing that happened while I was on the nutmeg was the memories that came flooding back into my mind. I mean old memories, from when I was a toddler. Later on, I told my mother about some of these memories, and she verified them as having really happened.

The next day, I still felt that intense buzz, although not as strong as the previous day, but strong enough to keep me home from work. Everything still had that unreal feel to it, but I just accepted it as reality. As my wife and I headed out to a store, I was fascinated by the intense colors of the trees and the sky! It was as if I had never seen these things before. I just stood there, marveling at how blue the sky looked. And when I listened to my music, it was as if I were listening for the first time. I could hear things in the music that I never noticed before. Everything seemed to have a 'deepness' to it, including me. My conversations were very philosophical and spiritual. This was the enjoyable part of my nutmeg experience. I felt really laid back, like a hippy from the 60's.

I feel that I would've enjoyed the whole experience more if I didn't have to commute while under the influence. That situation kind of put a damper on the whole thing, due to my fear of never being able to get home. But, all in all, I found it to be a fascinating experience, and I'd like to try it again, under more comfortable circumstances. Even the come-down wasn't that bad. For days afterward, my piss and my sweat smelled just like nutmeg.

For years afterward, my wife banned nutmeg from our house, and, after the ban was lifted, I found that just the smell of nutmeg made me gag. But, one day, I'm gonna give it another shot.

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 35256
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2007Views: 30,487
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Nutmeg (41) : Multi-Day Experience (13), First Times (2), Various (28)

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