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In School Suspension Trip
by Lee
Citation:   Lee. "In School Suspension Trip: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp35483)". May 31, 2007.

1100 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
It was a regualr school day just like any other, except for on this day I had to serve an in-school suspension. I had been pretty heavy into drugs, otc's, pot, alcohol, and alot of other fucked up drugs that you could find on this site.

I got to school around 7:30 that morning, I had prepared myself for the biggest trip of my pathetic life. I reached into my blue jean pockets and latched on to 22 unisom sleep gels. The night before I had gotten a bottle of 32 from the local drug store just down the street from school. I was ready to be higher than I ever thought I could be. I threw all 22 pills in my mouth and washed them down with a Mellow Yellow soda. Usually this shit takes about 45 minutes to fully kick in, but I've found that the more you take, the faster you are trippin'.

I was sitting around with six other kids from the school who were also serving ISS. The teacher supervising us was a rather fat woman. All of a sudden a mask appeared over her face, it was a glowing demonic mask that seemed to stare at me. My hands turned purple, my body was no longer under my control. I had then become just 30 minutes later, a slave to my magic blue otc paradise.

About an hour into my trip I began to see the clock melt and the walls droop, I could barely walk, or even stand. I lost my mind in a black hole, I had no idea where I was, purple waves were traveling all around me, while my hands remained out in front of me. I soon found myself, I was doing a Richard Nixon impersonation in front of everybody, I don't recall what I had said. But I was later told that I had been rambling on about what pitcher to bring out of the bullpen and stick into the ball game.

I couldn't even swallow my own spit. It was like it was blocked off from entering my throat. I had to frequently make trips to the water fountain, and when I say trips, I mean trips. The pannels on the floor were twirling, and then a faint ringing occured to me. It was all of the classes being let out. Kids poured into the hall, but everything seemed to be in slow motion, things were very quiet, like something out of a movie that I never thought I could feel.

I was approached by a friend, he immediatley knew I was extremely messed up. Then once again all of a sudden I found myself again, this time I was riding in a car during lunch period. I asked my friends why I was there and everything they said made absolutely no sense to me. As I dragged my legs back into school I went up to a teacher, which I don't even have as a teacher, and in the middle of her class, I asked her what group I was in for the project. I could tell she was upset, but I couldn't figure out why, her voice was raised but I stayed calm she then stood up from her chair then I quickly fled. I thought I was being hunted down in an african jungle. I finally made my way back to the ISS room, then all I remember was hearing Kurt Cobain's voice singing 'Heart Shaped Box' then I woke up at home.

I must say Unisom will give you the meanest trip you can have from otc. Most people object to it, but if i'm looking for a one of a kind blasted out high, I can always call on a blue little pill called Unisom.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35483
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2007Views: 17,185
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), School (35)

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