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Multiple Personalities
Citation:   summer. "Multiple Personalities: An Experience with Ketamine (exp35814)". Feb 27, 2018.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
After a summer of testing the limits of our sanity and tolerance, my friend and I realized that the only thing we haven't pushed too far was K, our mutual favorite. Preparing for an immense K-hole, I spread blankets on the floor and gets comfortable, while she, (let's call her Amy), fills the ends of two jumbo-sized straws full of the powder, around 1 cm in. I'm not sure this is a lot, but it was sure more than we'd ever done at once.

With barely any ease or introduction at all, the room starts to spin - think of the drunkest one has ever been and multiply that by three. For me, it's tolerable, as I just don't even try to keep control. I can still hear pretty well, and I notice Amy mumbling that objects are getting smaller and that things seem to be disappearing, and I try to focus and tell her that for real, things are all good and well...just relax and allow it to happen...

Suddenly, I wonder who this person gabbing next to me really is - I can barely see anything at all, everything is spinning so fast, and my mind steps back, if you will. I can't tell if this is Amy or another good friend of mine, (let's call her Jane). While I'm trying to figure this out, I all of a sudden see myself a little more distant, and sooner than you know, I have no idea who the hell I am, either. I see images of the three of us, almost laid out like playing cards on a table. And I keep on shuffling between the cards, wondering, am I Amy? or am I Jane? Or am I me? The feeling of personal detachment seemed very logical, almost like choosing what character you want to be at the start of a video game.

I don't really remember how things wound down, but by the time I regained myself, Amy was already down, telling me that she was really frightened by her experience and that she doesn't want to ever do that again. As for me, I didn't feel any fear during the trip, and found the whole experience so interesting, (the rare but easy detachment from this precious self identity we all have), that I almost wish a scientist would try this - could do a lot for any theory.

The experience is easily controllable, and can both mellow one out or give one enthusiasm, depending on where one wants to take it. A good K-hole, within healthy and safe limits, can surely give one a new perspective on oneself.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 35814
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 765
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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