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See The Bird, Be The Bird
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Mosey. "See The Bird, Be The Bird: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp35857)". May 23, 2007.

5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
In 1970 I did my first hit of acid, a hit of white owsley. Over the next six years I probably tripped four hundred times but none of these trips compared to the first time. In 1976 acid got so bad and nasty I decided to quit doing it. That was the case for the next nineteen years, but I often thought about doing acid again.

In 1995 I met a guy at work that could get me some so I bought four hits of Bevis and Butthead. One of my friends had never done acid before so we planned a trip to a nearby river for the day. We did two hits apiece and after about an hour began to trip. My friend wanted to know how this acid compared to the stuff that I used to do in the old days. I told him it was pretty good, but the stuff that I used to do was a lot stronger, that one hit of the old stuff would be like four of these. What was important tho was we had fun and he had a good experience.

The next time we tripped I had aquired eight hits of just plain white paper. We planned a trip to a river in the national forest about ten miles from our house on a Saturday. We got togeather at six oclock a m and headed to the forest. When we got to the road to the parking lot I pulled out the acid and split it in two, four hits apiece. My friend said he wouldn't do four but he would do three. No problem, I'll do five I told him then we proceeded to eat our shares.

The road to the parking lot is about a mile long and then we were going to walk a mile and a half then sit down and enjoy the day. By the time we had walked a mile we were trippin and I mean old time trippin. When we arrived at our designated trippin spot we were greeted by about twenty boy scouts. Not good. We kept walking for about another mile and a half and found a spot next to the stream and away from the trail and other people. Across the stream was a mountain that rose almost straight up.

Somewhere on the mountain a tree had fallen and the very tip was sticking about four feet above the water and about four feet across. We sat there for a few minutes then my friend asked if I would like to smoke a joint. I told him if he could roll one I could smoke it. He rolled one up and we sit there and smoked it. About ten minutes later a bird lit on that tree tip, a kingfisher. I told my friend to look at the bird and he began to study the bird. Not thirty seconds later he turned to me and said,'See the bird, be the bird.' I just smiled and said, 'That's some good acid isn't it dude.' He turned to me again and said, 'No, look at the bird.' I looked at the bird again, then I turned to my friend again and said, 'Man you're fucked up.' He turned to me again and said 'Motherfucker look at the bird.'

This time I really did look at the bird and something happened. All of the sudden I was bathed in a very clear bright light and I knew this place from years ago. This was where I was the first time I ever tripped but there was something different this time. This trip I was totally centered and at peace. When I looked out I would see what I call a spot of distortion, it was in my vision and in my mind at the same time.

When I looked at the bird, the spot was on the bird, and all of the sudden I had feet wrapped around the tree tip, I had feathers, I was looking for fish but there was danger present. I had to leave this spot because there were two humans on the other side of the river so I took to the wing. All of the sudden the bird was gone and I looked at my friend and he just smiled at me. For the next eight hours we experienced all that there was. We could be stones, trees, insecets, grass, fish, anything that our eyes came to rest upon. But that wasn't all. When we tried to communicate we realised that we didn't have to speak. When a thought came into being the other would know that thought the moment it came to mind. For over five hours we talked without any speech.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 35857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 23, 2007Views: 4,638
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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