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My Skin Is Still Tingling
Heimia salicifolia, Skullcap & Catnip
Citation:   Jimbo Man. "My Skin Is Still Tingling: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia, Skullcap & Catnip (exp35916)". Aug 18, 2004.

100 mg smoked Heimia salicifolia (dried)
  2.0 g smoked Skullcap (dried)
  1.0 g smoked Catnip (dried)
I tried Sinicuichi by itself a few months back. The stuff came in as a bag of dry leaf material that was shredded like confetti. To get an effect, I had to smoke a lot of it (4+ large cigarettes of it), but I got a very relaxed and happy feeling through the next day. My body felt really light and had a pleasant buzz, with no hang-overs or bad residual effects. But I didn't enjoy sucking into my lungs that much of its smoke in one session. I also tried making a tea from a small amount of it (1-2tsp), but it tasted awful and gave me terrible diarrhea. I felt no effects from it other than a slight nausea.

I had pretty much given up on Sinicuichi until yesterday. I was experimenting with smoking a mix of Skullcap and Catnip. After three cigarettes, I was relaxed and kind of spacey - nothing spectacular. At that point I decided to add a little bit of the Heimia that had been sitting a the bottom of my draw for so long. I only added a few pinches, but the effect was immediate and intense. After 2 puffs, my mouth started to water, I felt slighly disoriented, then I felt an intense euphoria surge over my body. It was quite pleasurable and almost overwhelming. I enjoyed this feeling for 5 minutes, then decided to smoke another, this one with more Heimia mixed only with Scullcap. The buzz continued, but my hands began to get shakey and it felt like my heart rate was slightly elevated. By the end of it, I was feeling cold in my limbs. I got under the warm covers in bed and felt better. I felt like I was floating and slept well.

This morning I awoke feeling really refreshed and relaxed. I can still feel a really pleasant sort of relaxed buzz and warmth under my skin. My mind is kind of dreamy, but I can still concentrate and get things done. I've been feeling great all day. I'm definitely going to try this mix again!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 18, 2004Views: 41,818
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Heimia salicifolia (150), Skullcap (232), Catnip (68) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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