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Previous Trips Blown Away
Citation:   botaanik. "Previous Trips Blown Away: An Experience with 2C-E (exp35955)". Aug 16, 2004.

18 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
This is more detailed report on my Friday 13th 2C-E trip. I had experience on 18mg 2C-E that blew all my previous trips out of the water.

Mind set: Calm and resting after work day.
Setting: In my house alone.
Dose and Substance: Oral 18mg 2C-E dissolved in water.
Stomach content: Last eat 6h before(little snack )and at ingestion time stomach was really empty.
Previous trips on 2C-E: Around 6-8 times with doses from 5mg to 20mg.

So, all began when I ingested 18mg of 2C-E dissolved in class of water and syrup. I drunk 3/4 of class in one breath take and other 1/4 30min later. It was weird at first. This hasn't happened to me before with 2C-E or any other substance. I waited and waited and at 1h mark, I still didn't felt anything. Usually, I feel it within 45min. I went to bathroom to look my pupils and they were normal. I thought maybe my 2C-E was degraded in two months when I last tried it. But I felt that it starts to affect me, cause I yawn many times like before all my trips.

I felt strong body load and energy building. With that, I knew something big was coming. Now I know what means 'hit like ton of bricks'. I went down stairs to bathroom. My sense of depth was disturbed. I think that the reason why my motor skills were not working probably. I stare my bathroom wall and floor. Visuals look much different than in my pervious trips. They have much more content to them. With just 15min, I was brought from +1 on shulgin scale to intense +3. Visuals were patterning and persian carpet type. I saw halos every where. And it was just beginning. At the end of T+75min my visual field was floored with intense visuals, that I couldn't almost see in this visual soup.

I decided to lay on my bed. Due to the body load, that was uncomfortable. But it didn't last long. It subsided around T+90min - T+110min. Then I was brought level up by mentally. It got mentally challenging at that point. But nothing frightening or uncomfortable... just mental fuck one can have on heavy trip.

Music wasn't same as it was before. I was listening Pink Floyd - The Best Of and at some point, I wasn't understanding what song was playing. Music wasn't music in normal sense... it was far more distorted than I've heard before. I wasn't aware if my eyes were open or closed. I just were in extreme psychedelic state, that normal reality was left. Now, heres something hard to explain for me. My short term memory was gone. I can't remember nothing at least 30-45minutes. I can't describe the state state or place I was in, cause I don't remember anything about it. What ever happened, I know it had some meaning behind it and I don't regret it. I think it was around T+150min or T+180min when I was again able to see with my eyes(I was aware now that they are open) and can remember from here on. So, I decided to smoke a bong. To smoke a bong, I needed to go down stairs. The walk there was funny. Every step I made sounded like little away from me and with little delay. It also had distorted tone, but I don't know how to describe it. My motor skills was same as before, but I there wasn't much problem to get downstairs. Body load was weaker now and the allowed me to consentrate to other effects.

After smoking, I was calmed down and brought to state of serenity. I was floating with music and I wasn't worried about past or about the future. I existed at the moment... living throughout every second with timeless sense to it. I also started to watch documental about Woodstock. All I have to say, is I wish I was there at that time. I could sense the atmosphere and universal power behind it. I smiled, took deep breath and was left with the awe in my heart.

One thing, that I don't understand at this point, is that I wasn't aware of visuals. Or more likely, they had no meaning and pervious feeling about content was gone. It was more mental trip. I know that visuals were intense still, but I didn't 'saw' them. I played with my thought or more precisely, 2C-E was playing with my thoughts.

Rest of the experience was spent listening music and thinging about many things. Smoked two bongs and went to balcony to smoke a ciggs couple of times. Around T+8,5h/05:05AM, I went to sleep. I was still tripping hard and was +2 on shulgin scale. But considering the state I was in before, it felt more of +1.

Thous, who still think that 2C-E is lightweight, then I don't know. Maybe you haven't had break throught dose or wasn't set or setting right. And thous, who think that 2C-E (phenethylamines in general) are 'clear-headed', you are completely wrong. they can be ego shattering like tryptamines. At least I've heard some refer to phenethylamines as 'clear-headed'.

2C-E is intense, serious, deep, very visual, mentally challenging if dose are right and can hit you in DPT manner. As you can see, I consider 2C-E supreme psychedelic.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35955
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 16, 2004Views: 12,447
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