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Just a Segment of the Dream That is My Life
Alcohol & Cannabis
by Null
Citation:   Null. "Just a Segment of the Dream That is My Life: An Experience with Alcohol & Cannabis (exp35962)". Mar 6, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 glass oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:05 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 0:10 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was a Saturday and I knew I would probably be home all day. So I picked up 2 grams of marijuana and decided later that night that it would be fun to drink a little and smoke a joint. The bud looked and smelled of high quality, very dense, light green and covered in orange/red hairs. I don't often drink and smoke at the same time, and heard that it is better to drink before you smoke.

I rolled the joint first, so it would be ready immediately after drinking. It probably contained about half a gram. To give you an idea of the setting, I live in a house with two floors. I was downstairs, the rest of my family (parents and sister) were upstairs sleeping. The downstairs is pretty big, much of it is open. On one side there are no walls dividing the dinning room, living room or kitchen. On the other side, from the kitchen there are two doors. One leading out to an enclosed porch area, and the other leads into a fairly big room with the computer and some other crap. The other part of the downstairs really has no relevance to the report, but it is the laundry room and a furnace.

I poured myself a margarita from a pitcher that had been mixed earlier that day by another member of my household, and added some extra tequila to it. I downed that at about 12:40. I did this in the computer room, and walked into the kitchen to get a beer. I got one and returned to the other room when my dog approached me and began barking to be let out. I walked through the kitchen, directly into the dinning room where the main door of the house is. I put the dog on her leash and went to the room I left the beer in. I opened it and drank it as fast as I could. I put the can by the sink and went to let the dog in.

My front door doesn't exactly open quietly, and is right next to the stairs. After I let the dog in my mother yelled down to me asking if I let the dog in and I said yes and everything went back to silence. It was probably around 12:50 now, and I was defintely feeling the alcohol. There was a mild feeling of warmth, enhanced mindset and I felt more open. It was time to smoke the joint.

I walked out into the porch area, which I would have to describe as being half inside-half outside and pretty dark. I always smoked out here, it was on the other side of my house, opposite my parents room so they wouldn't hear or smell a thing. The first few hits felt very relaxing and my thoughts began to flow easier. I took a few more hits and went to the door to make sure no one was downstairs. All was clear, but I heard my cell phone ring from the computer room, which is only a few feet away. I went to get my phone and to my surprise it was my freind whom I'll call D.

I hadn't talked to her in a while, so I answered the call and asked what the hell she wanted. It wasn't just D, but also her friend B who I don't like very much. After talking to B for a while I realized I was VERY stoned and just didn't follow her very well. My joint kept going out while I was talking, so I had to re-light it a few times. B then put D on the phone and I listened to her as I continued taking hits. Turns out she was drunk and high too, so I felt some sort of a connection. I don't remember much of what we said, only that it may have made sense in my head, but probably didn't at all to her. I told her that I wanted to finish my joint and that I would talk to her later. It was only about 75% smoked, and there where a few good hits left. I happily took them.

It was now about 1:15. This is where things are going to get a little fuzzy. All that I remember of the night is like a dream, and it is hard to tell the order in which things happened. I remember that I felt higher than I had in a while. The feeling was somewhat like I was dissociated from the world around me, kind of like it feels on DXM just not as sick to your stomach. I could feel most of my body, but it the same time it didn't really feel like it was there. My mouth was very dry, so I think at some point I got a drink.

I went back to my computer, checked my buddylist. Not many people were on, and I don't remember talking to anyone. Thoughts were randomly flowing through my head, I wasn't completely sure what I was doing and it was as if all of my thoughts were in the third person. Like I was reading or dreaming everything that was happening. Something made me want to have another beer. I got a beer, opened it and started drinking. I think this is when my dog approached me again. I put the beer down and pet her. When I stoped she would bark. I gave her a treat, and she quickly ate it. I walked off into the laundry room. She followed me. It felt like she was fucking with me. Like she knew perfectly well that I was fucked up, and she was doing this for entertainment. But she was only a dog.

I think I walked into the bathroom now, the bathroom downstairs was a fairly small room connected to the living room. I had to pee, and did so. I also think I lost the dogs interest. After I was done, I went back to finish my beer. Took the cans and went into the porch area where they belonged. Closed the window, swept any ash on the floor away, went back inside and locked up.

Not sure what time it is now. Felt like I had to pee again and went to do so. This is when I started feeling sick. Too damned lazy to stand, so while sitting on the toilet I began to feel dizzy. I really felt like I had to pee, but I couldn't. So I sat for who knows how long, thinking of how dizzy I was. I became even more aware that I was thinking in the third person.

I finally got up, and went to the kitchen to get a drink. Some sort of a lime drink that didn't taste all that bad. Had two glasses and went into the bathroom hoping I could pee now. This time I kept the lights off, maybe it would keep the dizzyness under control. I closed my eyes and put my head down, losing track of time.

Eventually I began feeling nauseaous, got up and vomited into the sink. It was a bit chunking, green, burned like hell and much of it shot out of my nose.

I sat back down on the toilet trying to pee again, and trying to clear my nose. At last, I did and felt somewhat better. I then proceeded to take a shower. Afterwards I felt cleaner, but very tired and still pretty dizzy as if the world was spinning. I got dressed in the bathroom and then threw my old clothes into the laundry. I then remembered I put some marijuana, rolling papers and my grinder into a draw of my computer desk. I went back to get them. At some point before all of this I must have already shut the computer down.

I walked upstairs, put away all my paraphernalia and went to lay on my bed. I must have fallen asleep rather quickly. The last time I looked at the clock somewhere between all of this it was about 2:20, so I'm not entirely sure what time I went to bed.

Intuition must have awaken me. It was 6:30, I was sobered up but lethargic. I went downstairs, into the laundry room and checked the pockets of the shorts I wore to find my other gram of marijuana and my glass bowl that I didn't use that night. Went back upstairs, put them away and went back to sleep.

The experience is now burned into the back of my mind like a dream. Throughout the night I remember having what seemed to be pretty messed up dreams, but I can't remember any details and its all like it was blended into the night. This is pretty much how my memory is, and its not a problem. I smoke marijuana pretty frequently, have done ecstasy almost every other week the past few months and occasionally smoke crack. Very rarely do I drink. Everything that happens to me, everything I say and do is somewhat of a dream to me. I can remember things that happen, just not in very much detail, or the chronological order of the events. I like it though, and may do this again sometime minus the beer after I smoked.

Hope this was useful someone out there.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35962
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2007Views: 12,551
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Alcohol (61), Cannabis (1) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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