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Burned once, Now Twice.
Citation:   NeeDLeiNTHeTHRoaT. "Burned once, Now Twice.: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp36079)". May 30, 2007.

600 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  600 mg oral Diphenhydramine (capsule)
This report contains two separate trips, so bear with me here, as I try to make this understandable.

My first time.
Brand name: Benadryl
Active ingredient: Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
Pill type: 'Ultratabs' Tiny, pink.
Amounts: 25mg per pill, 12 pills per sheet, 2 sheets.
Total intake: 24 pills=600mg of diphenhydramine.

After reading trip reports I decided I was bored one evening, and wanted to try this shit out. So I opened up a box of Benadryl, and began removing all the pills from the sheets, which can be a real pain in the ass, but a good way to clear your mind before going on this adventure. I decided to start off slowly, which I thought was the best way at the time. Sitting at my computer, like I am now, I took two pills every half-minute, followed by a swig of my favorite green tea, until twelve pills were consumed. Then, I waited. And waited. And waited. I knew I'd have to wait, because I'd known from taking aspirin for pain, that it usually takes pills anywhere from 20-60 minutes to take effect.

After talking to friends on AIM and browsing around for about 30 minutes, I thought that the way I ingested the first dozen pills was too moderated to have any real effects. So I took the second dozen in my hand, popped them into my mouth, and swallowed them all at once. Right as they hit the back of my throat, I knew I was wrong, because that was when the effects of the first dozen began to hit me. My legs began to cramp up, and my fingers would tingle with every tap on the keyboard. I felt the need to run, the need to constantly move my legs around, but it felt hard to get up out of the chair for no reason like that. So I sat there, with this funny feeling running up and down the lower half of my body, like waves of ants, until I absolutely had to get up, because I had to piss.

I found walking to be slightly awkward, sort of like being drunk. Only I wasn't drunk, and still managed to get to the bathroom just fine. Once in the bathroom, I became horrified at the sight before me: my cock had shrunk! I still pissed just fine, and brushed the sight of my shrunken cock off, because the same thing had happened to me with my first DXM trip, and I knew that after this shit was done with me, that my cock would return to normal. No worries. So I went outside to have a cigarette, still with the funny feeling in my legs, and the tingliness in my fingers.

It was dark outside, and as I sat down in my deck chair, I pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and took a couple drags. After about the third pull, I noticed a large ladybug crawling underneath the left armrest of my chair. This was a BIG ladybug, almost as wide as the armrest itself. I looked at it in disgust, and punched the armrest hard. The ladybug fell onto it's back, and I stepped on it with the heel of my shoe. I looked away, feeling victorious, and took another drag off my cigarette. I looked back at my heel, and lifted it up, expecting to see the flattened remains of a freakishly large ladybug, only to realize that the ladybug had never existed. 'That's weird,' I thought. But I managed to finish my cigarette with no more strange visuals or feelings, except the ones still running up and down my legs, and the tingly fingers.

I walked back to the computer, sat down, and tried to get comfortable, but it was quite impossible. The cigarette had unknowingly boosted my 'high' as it usually does when I am high on better things, like cannabis. I was a twitching, writhing blob in this chair, so I signed off with the ususal 'Peace!' to all my online friends, shut the computer down, and went out for another cigarette. It had been a half-hour since I popped the second dozen pills, so I figured I should have all 24 pills dissolved and running circles in my brain by now. I had no strange visuals this time. I did take notice of how the feelings in my legs, the restlessness of them, and the tingling in my fingers, were getting more intense.

I could still light and hold my cigarette, and I sat quite still in my deck chair, which is more comfortable than this damn computer chair, but the changing of the colors in everything was starting to get on my nerves. I knew the cig's cherry was red, so why was it turning green? I knew my garage was yellow, so why did it appear brown? Even though it was dark outside, I could still see vivid colors in things that were in the shadows, but they were the wrong colors. I continued to smoke my cigarette, feeling tired from all the thinking and moving, so I stopped thinking, finished my cigarette, and went inside. I managed to pour myself another glass of green tea, and it didn't seem to have a taste to it. That didn't bother me, and I finished the glass. Feeling tired, I went to bed. The only problem was, I couldn't sleep.

I rolled around for half the night, trying to get comfortable, and for some reason, I just couldn't get comfy and pass out. I looked at my tv remote, thinking that watching some tv would help me get to sleep, but I couldn't find the strength to even get up, let alone, pick up the remote and push the ON button. I just laid there, feeling uncomfortable, out of place, and helpless. I felt like there was some other place I had to be, but I didn't know where it was or how to get there. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't get up. I just rolled around my bed in a stupor for the next half-hour until the feelings started to calm down, and I started to calm down. I thought, 'Here's where I pass out. I should've been more patient.' And I was right. I passed out.

I woke up around noon the next day, in a daze. I couldn't remember half of what I talked about with people online, or what I dreamt about. I thought to myself as I had my morning cigarette, 'Well, that was something different.' I was left with no emotions for the entire day after, due to some sort of strange, psychological hangover. I can't say it was a good trip, but I can't say it was a bad one, either. It was my first experience with diphenhydramine, and I knew I would try it again if I had the chance. Which brings me to my second trip with Benny.

My second time.
Brand name: Benadryl
Active ingredient: Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
Pill type: Dye-free, clear, liquid-filled capsules.
Amounts: 25mg per pill, 12 pills per sheet, 2 sheets.
Total intake: 24 pills=600mg of diphenhydramine.

What I lacked in experience the first time, I made up for it with sheer recklessness the second time. Once again, I cleared my mind while removing all the pills from their protective sheets. And so it began, just like the first time, darkness outside, sitting at this computer, in this crappy, uncomfortable chair, only this time, there would be no moderation. So I popped two at a time, until all 24 were swallowed, then chased them down with a big swig of green tea. I thought I'd be waiting another half-hour while the pills dissolved and worked into my system. WRONG! Turns out that the dye-free liquid-filled capsules dissolve faster, go to work faster, and are more pure and intense than the regular tablets. I was tripping within fifteen minutes.

The screen would tilt, my legs were moving around uncontrollably, my mouth became a desert, and I could feel every pulse of my heart, feel the blood as it goes through my arteries and veins, through every inch of my body. My mind was more focused than last time, and instead of jumping from one IM window to another whenever someone sent a reply, I would focus on one conversation at a time, and finish one topic off with one person before going on to another with another person. Then I would have to piss again, because I drank all my green tea. And again, I'd stumble and wobble all the way to the bathroom, but make it there just fine, and once again, I'd be horrified at the sight of my shrunken cock, brush the thought off, take a piss, and head back to the computer.

I managed to have more of a mental trip than a physical one this time, probably because of the purity of the medicine, and the quickness with which it took effect. I wasn't uncomfortable this time, and I could ignore everything around me and focus all my attention on the computer screen, and all my energy into typing. One thing I noticed was that with each thing a person said on-screen, I could hear their voice as if they were standing right next to me. That was beyond normal, but I ignored it. I eventually got tired, probably from all the focusing and whatnot, so I went outside for a cigarette before going to bed. I didn't have any visuals this time, but the taste of my cigarette seemed extremely intense, and I was almost disgusted. But I had my green tea with me, and that helped wash away the bad taste of the cigarette. I finished the smoke, had to strain every muscle in my body to get up, and I went inside. Got more green tea without trouble, and went upstairs to bed.

I thought I passed out, but all I remember from that night was constantly bursting awake, thinking I was smoking a cigarette in my sleep, and expecting to see a cigarette butt in my hand. I'd search frantically for it, but then I'd look in my pack, and count how many I had left, and realize I hadn't smoked any since before coming inside and going to bed. This happened at least five or six times, and it always ended the same, with the same number of smokes in my pack. But it seemed as if I slept just fine after the Benny started wearing off. The thought of what happened that night had troubled and confused me while I was out the next morning, with my morning cigarette, but the thought soon passed as I realized, 'It's just a drug. A stupid, insignificant drug, but still, a drug.' And I went about my day with the same lack-of-all-emotion hangover that I had the first time.

In conclusion, I'd say I would never try this substance again. Being high is better, anyways. Cannabis will always be my friend, till the day I die. So until next time I decide to try something stupid,


Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36079
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2007Views: 42,805
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