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Born Again
Citation:   Arrowhead. "Born Again: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp36175)". Feb 1, 2005.

20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (capsule)
I was given a capsule with 20 mg of 2C-T-2 by a friend while the two of were camping by a lake.

T+ 30 min; Nothing. I begin to forget about the possiblity of the drug having any effect on me.

T+ 1:00; With surprising speed, a warm body high swells in my stomach and fills my legs, much like a dose of Percocet or Vicoden.

T+ 1:10; Blades of grass seem particularly pronounced in color and texture. Little things begin to seem amplified.

T+ 1:15; Blades of grass have started twinkling and wavering as if underwater. The campfire, including the metal ring around it, is wobbling and rising into the air. Wonderful body high and a warm flush of lucidity throughout come-up.

T+ 1:50; Incredible visuals! Tracers, patterns and shape-shifting is astounding, especially due to the lucidity of the drug. The best part: Conversation is free-flowing, meaningful, and far beyond 'coherent.' Oddly, it feels like the drug is restoring coherence to both internal and external dialogues. Feelings of warmth, safety, peace, well-being and love flow between us and between nature around us. Time seems to move incredibly slowly. We keep laughing at our discovery that everything is going to be alright - not with us and the drug, but with the world and humanity and death and family. Perhaps this is a typical response to the drug, but it can't be overstated.

T+ 7:00; Effects (visual and emotional) are still mild when we fell asleep in our tent.

T+ 5 months: This trip was life-changing. 2C-T-2 can absolutely blow doors off their hinges with respect to ego, fear, anger and anxiety. This could have been a lucky certainly seemed sanctioned by the universe at the time. I would recommend handling this substance with extreme care and respect, because its effects can be way, way out there.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36175
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2005Views: 13,206
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2C-T-2 (53) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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