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Made Me Do Cartoons for Weeks!!
Citation:   local girl. "Made Me Do Cartoons for Weeks!!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp36288)". Mar 14, 2018.

  oral Mushrooms  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was a lovely sunny day & me and my boyfriend stu decided to take some of these fancy new B+ mushrooms out in the English countryside.

We read in an online forum that these mushrooms are like a cross between mushrooms & E - being big fans of both this trip was eagerly anticipated.

We came up proper after about an hour, I didn't get much visuals (although stu got loads) but I had a tremendous sense of wellbeing & self awe, it's basically how I always want to feel & am disapointed I do not.

I had my sketch book with me, just by chance as it was in my bad from work... we were getting really stoned on strong skunk too so we stayed in the same place for practically the whole time.


I decided to get my sketch book out & started really amusing myself with cartoons. I found my drawing so fluid and easy. All the doubt I had had about whether I could capture certain scenes in my mind vanished as I felt my subconsious dragging my pencil across the page.
All the doubt I had had about whether I could capture certain scenes in my mind vanished as I felt my subconsious dragging my pencil across the page.
I suddenly realised that drawing wasn't about drawing well or drawing to impress but just about DRAWING!

I was able to capture all of thise funny scenes in my mind - and I was really in hysterics! As we walked back to get the train, I had to keep on stopping to draw things, I was even drawing as I was walking (not easy when tripping).

The mushrooms soon wore off but the drawing continued. My highly prevelant paranoid side kept telling me that it was just the mushrooms in my system - how wrong it was!

I was doing cartoons for weeks after at quite a pace, it was almost frightening. The quality actually improved in the weeks after as I formulated and compiled my ideas.

We're now about 6 weeks on and I haven't been producing as much work... there's a part of me that is a bit sad, that thinks maybe I need psychadelics to boost my work, but it's probably just a lull - it's only fair after all that!

All the best,

Local Girl

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36288
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2018Views: 1,110
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