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Could Not Trust the Physical Effects
Pharmahuasca (Syrian Rue & DMT)
Citation:   kooribarkkid. "Could Not Trust the Physical Effects: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Syrian Rue & DMT) (exp36632)". Sep 28, 2004.

T+ 0:00
5.0 mg oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 0:00 50 mg oral DMT  
  T+ 0:20 50 mg smoked DMT  
This was my third trip with mao's and it had been several months since my last. I had no mental preparation, it was totally spontaneous and had almost forgot how powerful my last trip was. We boiled the Syrian rue and waited an hour then ate 50mg each. 20 min later still nothing except the poisoned feeling of the mao's (we had been drinking before). We decided to smoke some and both had 50mg each. As soon as I took the pipe away from my mouth I knew what I was in for. I had no idea previously though. The intensity was terrifying. This must have been 100 times stronger as the last time and 1000 times more than the first. it was only a few minutes into the trip and I was wondering how I was going to make it through. Everything changed colour rapidly and was layed in patterns and hieroglyphic symbols moving at incredible speeds. I felt like I was possesed and was experiencing extreme physical sensations which is what made the trip so scary. I was also totally disillusioned as to what was going on and thought I was somebody else, and took pity on this person.

Ten minutes later I realised what was going on and felt something moving in my throat, it took me a few minutes to realize that this wasn't normal and felt like I had something trying to get into my airways. I felt like I was dying and began to get scared and lose my faith in DMT as physically harmless.

At the same time I felt like my life force was trying to leave my body. I would usually let go but this time I could not trust the physical effects I was experiencing and was fighting myself from letting go. Liquid was pissing out of my nose, each drop a different flouro colour and I still felt like I was choking. I wanted so desperately to enjoy my experience and go with it but I couldn't, I really thought I was dying and flipped out and called several people and was talked through the next hour. My friend was having a much more mild experience, feeling like a body of crystals emitting colours and was loving it. This whole time I was constantly leaving my body and entering darkness for a few seconds at a time.
This was the heaviest experience I have ever had and have never been so scared before but after an hour I was loving it too and was very happy I had made it through, physically and mentally intact although this may be the last time I play with MAO's as this combined with DMT has unlimited powers. Be warned.....

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 28, 2004Views: 6,686
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Pharmahuasca (822), DMT (18), Syrian Rue (45) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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