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Four Experiences
Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Various
Citation:   Jack Tripper. "Four Experiences: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Various (exp36697)". Jul 7, 2007.

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Brief History of me:

I love psychedelics. I've tried shrooms and LSD several times and loved it. In high school and in college my friends and I would get the aforementioned substances on a weekend and have a great time. Maybe just one or two of my estimated 30 trips were less than enjoyable.


I read about the stuff on the internet one day. It's legality as well as the many stories read on the internet of it's potent psychedelic powers got me really interested me. I had three grams of 20X within a week.

First Experience:

I got it in the mail and my girlfriend and I tried that night. I had a regular wooden pot pipe, not a water bong. I packed almost one full bowl for the both of us. I took a toke, she took a toke, I took a toke, she took a toke. Within a few seconds I got the giggles. Then I started laughing so hard at nothing in particular that I ended up on the ground laughing my ass off. It wore off w/in a minute or so. She just said 'That was crazy'. Side effect note: it made my dick hard quickly and we had sex right there on my couch immediately afterwards. It was like an aphrodisiac for us and Viagra for me. A friend later told me of a similar effect with him and his girlfriend.

Second Experience:

The next night I called a fellow 'trippin lovin' friend of mine. After I called he got to my house in record time, he was very eager to try this provocative new wonder trip. This time I had the bong ready. Packed a full bowl and he volunteered to go first. He jumped straight in, headfirst. He took three massive super-smokey bong hits. Within 3 seconds of the last exhalation he dropped to the floor between my coffee table and couch. It hit him way hard. He was staring off into space, almost drooling with his mouth wide open. It was kinda frightening.

I knew he was tripping real hard. He started rambling/mumbling some kinda scary pseudo-metaphysical stuff. I went over to him, grabbed his hand and a few times said to him something like 'It's only the drug, you’ll be alright. You’re right here at my house. It's gonna wear off in a minute'. When he came back to reality he told me what he had just gone through; real crazy shit about me grabbing his hand and pulling him through the walls of my house straight into his house over and over again. He said he had felt his existence was being erased and he couldn’t prevent it. He said he was perceiving the whole universe and it forced him to understand how insignificant he was. He said it felt so real he knew it was true.

That kinda freaked me out. But being the dependable friend I am, I packed it again and took two medium hits, real smokey. I started to trip very quickly and very hard. I noticed that the inside of my house was a place I had never been before. I was in a totally strange place where I didn't feel exactly comfortable. I couldn't understand what had just happened. I completely forgot about having just smoked salvia, which just added to my mental disorientation. It was impossible to comprehend reality or get a grip on any familiar.

I felt that if I stayed in the house I was just prolong the confusion and disorder in my going on in conscious. I went outside knowing that chaos would not follow. I was wrong. I walked to my truck, put my forearms on the hood and realized that the outside was just as chaotic as the inside. Blips and flashes of light were everywhere. I didn't recognize any of the houses in my neighborhood or the road in front of my house. But I wasn't freaking out. I finally started to come back to reality and went back inside. We talked about our experience for a few and then decided we would do it again sometime, sometime in the not to near future though.

Third Experience:

I took the stuff over to some other friend's house the next night. I was drinking vodka, they were smoking weed. I packed a huge bowl in the bong and we passed it around. Every body tripped their ass off except for me, I couldn't understand it. We discussed our experiences and decided to go another round. This time I took the first two giant tokes. The second toke hit me like a serious slap in the face. I wasn't prepared for salvia's intensity.

Quickly I felt a lot of weight and anxiety. I looked around my surroundings and that's when I realized the heavy weight was caused by about 9 or 10 little green men standing on my shoulders, arms and head. They were just standing there, like living garden gnomes. This freaked me out, I could see them quite clearly. They were transparent like a Mountain Dew 20oz bottle. I wasn't sure where I was or who I was with any more. I heard someone (my friends) asking ‘Are you tripping dude?', 'Is it gettin' ya?' With my anxiety level too past the threshold, I said to them 'Hold on' while I quickly walked out the door.

When I got outside shit was all fucked up; lights flashing, perception of reality way out of whack and these damn little men standing on my person. They were so heavy I felt I had to make much more than usual effort just to walk. There was a large flatbed construction truck right next door and I somehow managed to climb onto it. I had to hide from them because I wasn't in control and it was embarrassing. On the truck, I couldn't shake the little fuckers. Very persistent they were, but quiet and polite. After a couple of minutes it was just like, 'C'mon, let's just get this over with, I just need to stop trippin so hard so I can go back inside'.

My mind was fine. My cogitation was back. I understood it was the salvia but I was trippin hard I knew where I was but the green men were still there. I got off the construction truck and got into my truck. I turned on the AC, rolled down the windows and turned on the CD player. Probably 3 or four minutes had passed by that time and my friends came outside to check on me. The said 'What’s up man?, Where you going' The Green men were still there and I felt like my friends could see them too. I was like, 'I'm just coolin’ off, I'm hot as shit, I'll be in a minute' (in other words, ya'll go the fuck back inside). Within another five minutes I was OK enough to go inside. They were just talking and laughing amongst themselves. They had no idea of the extreme experience I had just gone through.

Fourth Experience:

A couple weeks later I took it over to another friends house. It was two girls and me and my friend who ‘loves to trip’. Though, this time we were prepared against salvia’s propensity for inducing unpredictable and extreme anxiety ridden mental tribulations. We had several Xanax between us, as well as Ritalin, liquor and weed. Several hours into the binge we broke out the salvia. The girls were out, they weren’t doing it, unless we did it first. He and I probably took four or five big hits a piece from that bong. I can’t remember what happened immediately after my last hit, but after that the next thing I remember is being in his back yard facing his back deck.

On the deck were 40 or 50 ‘people’ moving around like robots. They were making so much noise that I had to raise my voice to my friend next to me to talk. I asked him what the hell was going on and what the hell was going on his deck. By this time he was sitting against a tree with his knees up by his face. Inexplicably I still had the bong in my hand with a freshly pack bowl and was trying to convince him to take just two more hits. He had had enough. That Xanax and liquor had me bulletproof. I took at two more hits and was completely out of my mind. The hallucinations were extremely intense, both visually and audibly. The Xanax blocked out big parts of that momentous night/morning. Maybe it’s best I don’t remember.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 36697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2007Views: 6,368
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Sex Discussion (14), Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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