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Zero Logic Impairment
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   J. Doe. "Zero Logic Impairment: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp367)". Jun 11, 2000.

  oral Amanitas (plant material)
This was supposed to be a below-threshold test, but ended up stronger than expected.

  • Relaxed but not 'tired.'

  • Flushed face (almost like having run around the block or something)

  • Slight motor impairment (nothing 'heavy,' but making typing a bit of a chore)

  • Zero logic impairment (fully able to play logic games competitively, do math, etc.)

  • Suggestibility (Easy to wander off into unsolicited conversation)

  • Conversational weirdness (Difficulty picking 'the right word' (A feeling of not being able to express oneself 'properly.' nobody else noticed this however.)

  • Minor hallucinosis (if you could call it that. he could not actually point out something and say, 'there, _that moved_.' it just SEEMED like stuff was moving. note: there was an earthquake at about the time he was having such thoughts.)

    no more than 6 or 7 hours.

    No hangover was noticed. Sleep came easily. dosage was taken pulverized in gelcaps with milkthistle.

    Exp Year: ExpID: 367
    Gender: Male 
    Age at time of experience: Not Given
    Published: Jun 11, 2000Views: 40,240
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    Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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