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A Crazy Experience
Citation:   Bacchus. "A Crazy Experience: An Experience with 2C-D (exp36703)". Oct 6, 2004.

180 mg oral 2C-D
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

My friend, T, contacted me at work about going to his house after work for a party and I happily accepted. At around 8 o'clock PM I ingested 180 mg of 2CD. My friend T and I had done 2CD once prior to this occasion. We had done 80 mg and it had provided us with quite a fun time. We had mild hallucination (the curtains moved, walls breathed, trees grew) and spent two hours in his room talking about our lives. This experience was very different from that one.

I hadn't eaten much prior to taking the 2CD. I had a hotdog about an hour before. T pilled up the substance and I swallowed it, then everyone went into the bathroom to smoke pot. I myself don't smoke anymore, but I sat on the bathroom floor to be social. After about 15 minutes I could not take sitting there anymore. The patterns on the walls began moving and I felt as if the smoke was choking me. I quickly returned to T's room and collapsed on the couch. I wasn't expecting the 2CD to hit so quickly (which my friends and I now attribute to the fact that I had not eaten much before hand) and to be so strong. I tried to breathe and calm down, but nothing was helping. I had taking 2CI many times prior to this and acid twice, but I've never had a bad trip. But this was the making of a bad trip. I closed my eyes in an effort to escape very intense hallucinations. The doors in T's room were warping in shape, growing, and shrinking. The furniture was moving on its own and I felt that dimensions of the entire room were not constant. The mental effects were worse than the hallucinations. I felt horribly confused. It was so bad that I remember myself swearing off of all drugs (something that did not stick with me).

When I closed my eyes I expected to find a blackness, which would allow me to recompose myself. Instead I found fractals in my head: beautiful designs of red and green spiraling around. Though they were beautiful, they were not what I needed at the time. Then a face emerged from the center of the designs and screamed, which forced me to open my eyes. My friend T rushed out of the bathroom and said something to me, which I could not understand. He then shut the lights off and put a movie on his computer. He watched the movie for a moment then ran back into the bathroom saying something about how I would enjoy this. The movie opened up with a display of colors, very similar to the fractals I was seeing in my head. The entire room changed colors with the screen and I felt as if I was going insane. I don't know how long this went on. T barged out of the bathroom a few moments later and asked if I was okay and my response to him was 'I'm fucking dying'. I felt so confused I could barely grasp reality.

Eventually everyone finished smoking and exited the bathroom to find me dying on the couch. After watching the movie for a few minutes, everyone decided to go out for cigarettes. I managed to get to my feet, but felt an awful pain in my legs. I remembered this pain from my prior 2CD and 2CI experiences. For some reason if you remain seated for a long period of time an then get up while on these two chemicals, you experience a horrible pain in your legs. I don't know why.

I managed to make it to T's balcony after encountering his sliding window door, which messed with my mind. We stood on T's balcony and smoked cigarettes, but I was in no mood to do this. I felt like my legs were going to give way at any second and I was going to collapse. My friends T and Y tried to talk to me, but I could not respond to a word they said. I could understand what they were saying, but I couldn't gather my thoughts and express them in a manner I deemed worthy. Then hallucinations began to get to me. I saw what was perhaps the most beautiful thing in my life that night. The sky was a very dark blue and there were a strip of orange clouds hanging in the horizon (which made no sense because it looked like the sun was setting, but this was at 9, the sun had set a long time ago). I stared at the stars as they began to move over my head. They flew back and forth and eventually began encircling the orange clouds. Then a whirl of orange clouds and light blue stars formed in the sky. It was spectacular.

Then my friend Y tried to speak to me. I looked over at him and noticed that the spiral of stars and clouds were spinning around his head. I tried to express to T and Y what I was seeing, but it was no use. Then I looked at Y and his head began changing shape. This was something I just could not take so we retreated indoors.

We returned to T's room and watched cartoons on his computer for awhile. I could not grasp a word of what was going on. The cartoons made no sense to me whatsoever. The pictures were constantly morphing. Eventually we decided to leave T's house and go to the beach. At this point my trip became tolerable. We left at 10:30. I was amazed to find out that everything that had just happened to me took place in less than three hours. It has seemed like an entire day had passed. The end of the trip was very mild and pleasant. I had slight hallucinations, but the confusion was gone. Instead I was left with an empty head. Not an extra thought entered my head except for what I was doing. It was a nice way to end a crazy experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2004Views: 20,997
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2C-D (103) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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