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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata, 4-HO-MiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   Botaanik. "U-turns: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata, 4-HO-MiPT & Cannabis (exp36715)". Sep 8, 2005.

T+ 0:00
20 oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (fresh)
  T+ 1:10 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 1:30 15 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
Mind state: calm, excited and have been all day in happy mood.
Food in stomach: Stomach is empty
Substance's: 20 Psilocybe semilanceata, 15mg 4-HO-MiPT and cannabis

There are first mushrooms (Psilocybe semilanceata) growing in my area. After 2.5h hunt with 2 friends, I was able to find 20 of them. Total amount was 130 shrooms from which 20 was mine and 110 went to 3 friends. I had other things to do when they had trip. So, I ingested my 20 next day.

I ingested them 20:00PM. Within 20 minutes, I was feeling first effects. I was more happy and occasionally I laughed for no reason. My motor skills were little off, cause I had trouble with balance. Body felt heavy and numb. So I lie down and watch TV. Colors are brighter and little movement in periphery vision. Textures have more depth and when I look in one point, my vision turns to tunnel where I don't see out side of it. I was able to do this by will. There are patterns on things and time to time one area is covered with one color (mostly red).

Around 70mins after ingestion, I went outside to have a cigg. It is pretty dark now and it is getting more darker. I look up the sky and see the most amazing sight I've ever seen. Sky is full of stars and it looks like I'm in a dome. When I first saw this, a rush of euphoria passes my body. I watch in sky around 4min and then my neck starts to hurt.

When 90mins had passed I was still at same level and I felt it is not going to be more intense than that. So, I take my 15mg 4-HO-MiPT.

Now, after 15min's, things are getting more intense. I don't know how to rate my decision about taking 15mg of 4-Ho-MiPT. I guess it was not smart thing to do, but I don't regret it.

With another 5min, I felt that I'm in intense ride. I think maybe shrooms did get more intense or was miprocin coming on strong. Other thing that may have contributed to intensity, is that I was already in altered state and miprocin came on too fast.

It's 2h after taking shrooms and 30min after miprocin. Visuals got intense and my heart was beating very fast. I also got very hot like first time and so I take off my t-shirt.

--First U-turn

Now comes u-turn to trip. I don't know why, but I was launched to uncomfortable mental space. I got worried about my heart beat and how hot I was. Suddenly, thought, that I may die pops to my head. I was able to maintain clear head and didn't panic. I went to my brother's room to tell him about what was happening. Hearing his voice was calming. I told him that I stay with him and that he talks to me. When he stopped talking, I was again starting to panic. I felt like something in my head is shrinking. Like there was something really physically happening. Little after that, I got dizziness. I went to window to get cold and fresh air. That helped and I sit down again. The time-dilation is very huge. It is worst thing that can happen to person having bad time.

--Second U-turn

I then started to walk around the house. I was brought by every minute to more satisfied state of mind. Soon, I wasn't having a bad time and started to enjoy the trip. The bad time last around 25min. For me, it felt more like hour and half.

I put on some music (Pink Floyd) and it sounded relaxing and great. About the middle of the first song, I started to experience most interesting audio distortion ever. Music sounded like it has separate layers. That isn't the best description. I couldn't belive that music can sound like it did. More of, it didn't sound like a song. It was like different instruments was playing in chaotic order. Like they had their own rhythm that they followed. Visuals were behind anything I've seen. Patterning, colors and air was full of sparkle. It was so beautiful to look different color of sparkles. My mind was racing and every thought that came to mind was analyzed in detail and in every aspect. There was random thought that came to mind, but 85% was about human nature. I made more realizations than I've made in my whole life.

Soon after that when I got used to trip intensity and it stoped growing, I decided to go outside to have another cigg. When I closed the door, I was really shocked. I live away from town, so there was no cars and people. Just nature. It was very dark and I couldn't see my own hand half meter away. Beside that, nature was so alive that I believed I saw other being's out there with me. Everything was alive. Was it ground, air, trees or anything. I felt like they have their own 'spirit'. I knew that there wasn't nothing to worry about, cause I felt oneness with nature (I think it was shrooms that made me feel so). When I finished the cigg and admiring the nature, I went back inside.

Since I fasted long time, I went to kitchen to have sandwich and yoghourt. Every bite I made from sandwich and sip from yoghourt flooded my senses with energy rush. Visual field got full of crystal clear sparkles and it felt so good to eat. I think I'm going to eat every time I trip.

I then smoke a bong of best weed I have had. This made my ability to analyze human nature more stronger. I saw my thoughts visually. Every personality quality had its own visual make-up. Every quality was torn to its real meaning and essence. I can't bring any specific thought I had, cause when one was finished, another was taken and there was so many of them. I say again... my mind was racing at the speed of god.

This lasted quite long time. Until I decided to smoke another bong and have cigg. When I got outside, it wasn't like before. Nature was still quite alive, but something was missing. But one interesting thing was that I didn't want to stop walking. Walking was also weird. I felt like my feet's are sinking to ground. Like there were little holes where my feet was falling. Being outside felt so good so I had another cigg. Looking trees (in front of city light's in sky) was beautiful.

From now on, I spent my trip listening music and later watching TV. The main subject was still human nature. I experienced before one 'important' realization about main quality/essence of human nature, but it is hazy.

--Day after
I felt worn out. I spent most of the day recovering from the experience. Watching TV and laying in bed. I had pain in my eyes cause whole night they were wide open. There was like void in my head. Much less thoughts than normal. Later that night I realized that I had one hell of trip. Quite annoying feeling was in head whole day.

--Two day's after
Still had this weird feeling in my head. I still tried to figure out what had happened. This trip was quite a shock to my mind.

First, I'm still try to figure out this trip. The first part of the trip was quite shocking. This combination was very interesting. I don't think I would do this again, but I'm thankful it happened. I made so many realizations about life and especially about human nature. Even if I don't remember most of them, they shifted my perspective how I view the world. Visuals that I got after ingesting 4-HO-MiPT, was mind blowing. I have to also admit like many other, that this substance has the feeling of rolling. It's quite euphoric. I felt like the euphoria come from my thoughts and mind state. This was second time I tried miprocin and got so hot. Weird reaction. This is my favorite substance so far. This first time on shrooms gave me good picture about them. It was low-medium dose, but now I know why others like it so much. Total duration (since ingesting mushrooms) was 8h. I went to bed 04:00AM and sleep came with no problem.

I wish I could remember more from the trip and that I could write much better.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36715
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2005Views: 10,824
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90), 4-HO-MiPT (342) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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