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Usage Ups and Downs
Citation:   Henry. "Usage Ups and Downs: An Experience with Tramadol (exp36876)". Jun 25, 2007.

  repeated oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I found a big bottle of this stuff in my Mom's medicine cabinet and I went on to research it a bit. I found that it had opioid-type effects and being that I certainly enjoyed the effects of vicodin I assumed that I would like this. I found that a typical initial dosage was around 100 mgs so I tried this. I took the pills at about 9 o'clock and after about an hour I felt the typical opiate buzz arrive. It stayed with me until I decided to go to bed which was probably about 12 to 1 in the morning. Throughout the night I would awaken to an itchy sensation all over my body, but it wasn't unpleasant, just like what I get with vicodin.

The next day I woke up as though nothing had happened the previous night; I felt completely normal. The following night I decided to repeat this experiment except this time I would take 150 mgs. The effects were precisely like the night before albeit a bit more intense. Once again I awakened feeling fine. I thought it would be wise to wait a while before trying it again to avoid building up any tolerance. About a week later I decided that I'd like to see how much further I could take it so I tried 200 mgs. I once again felt great that night and slept very well. The effects were once again a little bit more intense than the previous time. The following morning I awakened feeling quite bad. I had to go work so I got ready still feeling a bit intoxicated from the previous night.

On the way to work my stomach became quite upset and I was force to pull the car over and vomit. I got back in the car feeling a bit better but still not great. Once I arrived at work I was informed that I had to go pick up some supplies from a store nearly an hours drive away but that a coworker would be coming along with me. He drove up to the store and I sat in the passenger seat all the while feeling progressively worse. On the way I ended up vomiting out the window of the car... not the most pleasant experience while heading down the highway. I thought that I felt fine after this because I had vomited quite a bit more that the previous time so I thought it would all be out of my system.

However once I arrived at the store I still felt a bit stoned and really didn't feel like speaking with the sales people. Once I arrived back at work I went to my office and proceeded to fall asleep for nearly two hours. I awoke feeling pretty bad again and I vomited for the third time that day. I went home after this and lied down. Lying down made me feel much better than moving around. The next day I was fine again. I assumed that the dosage that night had been too high.

I have since then used tramadol in smaller doses of 100 and 150 mgs on a few nights but every time I do it I end up feeling pretty bad the next day until at least noon. I don't know what happened and why tramadol made me feel great the first two times and makes me feel so bad now. I don't want to use it any more... the pleasure of the substance is most definitely out weighed by the terrible hangover the following day.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36876
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 8,214
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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