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Only the Good Die Young
Citation:   brandy. "Only the Good Die Young: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp36880)". Sep 15, 2019.

  repeated smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I wanna tell people about my experiences with speed, a retrospective of my use over a small amount of time, if you will. :) I'll tell about my use pattern then about teh consequences of it...

I first snorted speed in the spring of 2004, a bit before spring break if I remember right. I snorted it, kist liek 3 bumps, enough to get me through the night of paper-writing. My friend offered it to me, and being an avid amphetamine snorter, I decided to try it. ... After spring break I came back and snorted it again, perhaps a few times. But at this point in the semester all my friends had lots of work and lots of reason to stay up so we would all stay up nights snorting speed. But that gets real old real fast, and burns out nostrils pretty well too!

Well then one of my friends suggested we smoke it. So we went out and bought those little glass pipes (oil burners) and started smoking it. We continued smoking it pretty often, gradually increasing our doses and the length of time we would stay up. We finally got so that rationing our speed ment 1/2 gram every 2 days, and I could definitely smoke a 1/2 gram in a day, though I didn't have too much money to keep taht up...

So we settled into a routine: binge, snorting it to keep us up, and smoking it when we stated to get tired, and basically whenever, for 3-5 days, then taking morphine (time release 100mg pills) for 2 days and starting it all over again. We did this for 2 months. As u can imagine, they flew by. :)

That was my use pattern and time span... Here are my effects...

Since stopping (been off of it for 3/4 months) I've noticed:

1. Signifigant loss of my short term memory (it was almost total when I first stopped but has gotten a little better since then, though I don't think I'll ever be teh same)

2. Intense cravings for teh drug, they occured all the time at first but now they are less frequent, but they can still make me cry uncontrollably and WANT the drug.

3. Also I noticed that when I first stopped smoking it I could smell it randomly, though none was around! But taht's gone now.

4. Hearing, Seeing, and Feeling things things: like hearing voices in teh wind or jolting sounds when nothing's happened, seeing little black spots at random, and feeling 'buggs' crawling on me sometimes that aren't there.

5. Decreeced ability to sleep deeply or for long periods of time at once... Though that's gotten a little better :) I can do 8 hours at a time now sometimes :)

6. Diminished interest and enjoyment in food: nothing tastes that good anymore, it's just food afterall, and sometimes I even like feeling hungry...

7. Slight increece in level of paranoia: I never got paranoid while stoned before, and sometimes I get paranoid about leaving my room...

8. Increeced desire to be alone in my room and not to be around people.

9. Increeced fidgetting: I started biting my nails again and now I have to doodle in class to keep my hands busy, I ahve to multi-task all the time.

10. A HUGELY increeced need to have people I can talk to about it...

So yes, even after almost 4 months clean from speed, I still feel like an addict and I've managed to come to terms with the fact taht even though I'm still a smart girl, there's a part of my mind that is gone, I just can't get it back, cause I was stupid and got it friend with meth...

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36880
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2019Views: 1,217
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Methamphetamine (37) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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