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Finally, An Active Legal High
Kratom & Codeine
Citation:   HighQ. "Finally, An Active Legal High: An Experience with Kratom & Codeine (exp36903)". Sep 23, 2004.

T+ 0:00
2.0 g oral Kratom (leaves)
  T+ 2:30   oral Codeine (liquid)
After reading much about the effects of Kratom, I decided to try it. I am an experienced natural psychonaught, being that my chemical intake is limited to organic psychoactives such as cannabis, mushrooms, lsa, and various teas and such. Anyway, Kratom...

I smoked 1 small bowl of kratom leaves, and realised that the dosage (probably .2 of a gram) was far too small and decided to make a tea. I steeped around 2g of leaves in a mug with boiling water and honey. The resulting brew was pleasantly bitter and mildly aromatic. I drank 2 mugs, reusing the leaves in the mug. I experienced a blissful tranquil sensation, i didnt walk between rooms in the house, i floated, i was constantly aware of a mild euphoria and a notable lightheadedness. I went to the pub for a couple of hours, avoiding alcohol and drinking only soft drinks. I enjoyed that alot, feeling a strong connection to my friends at the pub, similar to being loved up on a low dose of shrooms. One of my mates at the pub had a bottle of opium cough syrup which we halved, which seemed to enhance the effects. I went to bed about T+ 5hrs after drinking the first brew, and slept wonderfully with lucid dreams. I would recomend this drug to anyone who want a dopey evening without incriminating themselves. I would not reccomend driving as it seemed to affect my vision and awareness.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2004Views: 34,330
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Codeine (14), Kratom (203) : Club / Bar (25), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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