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Red Rock or Red Crock?
Red Rock Opium & Cannabis
Citation:   Catfish Rivers. "Red Rock or Red Crock?: An Experience with Red Rock Opium & Cannabis (exp3694)". Nov 20, 2000.

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  smoked Cannabis
    smoked Red Rock
After recent discussions that red rock opium was a farce, I decided to go hunt some down and see for myself if I could what the dealio was. So, after shelling out 45 bux for the 'red rock,' I started breaking it up on top of bowls already packed with MJ. Prior to certain news group discussions, I truely believed this stuff to be the real deal. But PLACEBO has been in effect big time.

It is almost enlightening to see the outline of what you felt dissapear...I could see that I was merely letting myself enter an 'opiate mind state'. None the less fascinating, but a placebo for sure. I could feel the MJ buzz melting into a mellowness. But only becuase I was triggering a relaxed state of mind by thinking that what I just inhaled was opium and not incense. Whoah is all I have to say. Whoah.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3694
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 20, 2000Views: 16,004
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