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Racing Heart and Anxiety
Gotu Kola & Linden
by Tom
Citation:   Tom. "Racing Heart and Anxiety: An Experience with Gotu Kola & Linden (exp37026)". Erowid.org. Oct 3, 2004. erowid.org/exp/37026

3 hits smoked Gotu Kola (plant material)
    smoked Various (plant material)
I had been looking for a way to help me focus on my studies, but I didn't want to resort to Adderall, etc. When a friend told me about his experiences with herbs, specifically Gotu Kola and Linden, I thought it would be worth a try. Both of those herbs are supposed to help improve, among other things, brain function.

We bought some of each herb at a local apothecary and went back home to smoke it. I rolled a small leaf of Linden and several Gotu Kola leaves (they looked more like pine needles). I smoked only a few drags (no more than 3 or 4) and didn't feel anything right away. My friend smoked the rest of it.

At this point I'd like to say that aside from alcohol, the only other drugs I've used are marijuana and hash - each of which, in moderate doses were enough to get me exceedingly high (trippy highs, not chilled-out, relaxed highs). So I've come to assume that I have a fairly low tolerance for inhaled drugs.

A few minutes after smoking the Linden and Gotu Kola joint, I became extremely nervous and my heart began racing. I have been extremely high before (to the point where I've thought I was seeing God), but I have never felt anxiousness as intense as what I felt after smoking these two herbs. My heart was racing more quickly than I had ever thought would be physically possible. Afterward, my friend confirmed that it was indeed racing at an incredible pace. After about 5 minutes, I began to calm down - my heart rate lessened. A few minutes later, however, it started again, although not nearly as intensely as the first time. This cycle of anxiousness and heart racing followed by a calmness continued for maybe an hour. After the cycling had pretty much subsided, I found that I was becoming winded after walking only a few blocks. I smoke cigarettes and do not work out, so I am not in particularly good shape, but I never get winded from simply walking - so I feel that this was in part due to my reaction to the herbs.

I was unable to sleep that night due to a combination of anxiousness and nervousness (some of which may have been in my head). The following day was marked by a low-grade but unrelenting nervousness/anxiousness and slight nausea that kept me from eating all but a small bowl of soup at dinner.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37026
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2004Views: 30,730
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Gotu Kola (238), Various (136) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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