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Hands And Feet All Fuzzed Up
MDMA & Ketamine
Citation:   neutopia. "Hands And Feet All Fuzzed Up: An Experience with MDMA & Ketamine (exp37360)". Erowid.org. Jan 26, 2018. erowid.org/exp/37360

2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 hits smoked MDMA (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked MDMA (powder / crystals)
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Smoking MDMA

I'm writing this to add to the skimpy body of experience reports concerning smoked MDMA.

I purchased some pure molly from a friend of mine, 2 x 100mg pills. There is alot of fake molly finding it's way around the college and festival circles lately. One sure-fire screening parameter to take into account when purchasing molly is the amount of powder in the capsule. It should look like 100mgs, maybe 40-60% of an average sized gelcap. If there is only a few grains of white powder or a tiny crystal chunk at the bottom of a capsule, it's probably just another research chemical being passed off at an inflated price. I wouldn't smoke anything that I wasn't rather sure about the identity of; Basing an unknown powder can lead to some serious problems. And I don't think that the tool who sells the bunk rolls was trying to kill anyone or send anyone to a hospital, but I bet he didn't think about it much either. Even if a pill is the right size, It doesn't mean that it's MDMA. It could be methylone or mda, etc. So one should try to know one's source before one indulge using a method that delivers a sharp and sudden elevated peak of active chemical in your system.

This being said, I sprinkled about 15mgs of MDMA on a bowl. My friend and I each took 2 or 3 hits using minimal flame. The MDMA burned blue and quickly melted onto the weed and became invisible. The taste was chemically but not as bad as many other research chemicals that I have met. The effects were sudden, I felt my hands and feet 'fuzz up' as I exhaled. My whole body got a definite but weak and vague roll-like feeling. We kept toking here and there, sparsely, until the bowl was kicked. There was a low level body and light mind fuzz present.

It never got very strong...well, until we started with the K. It was pleasant and definitely active. We finished 50mgs of MDMA by that method that night.

Maybe an hour and a half after we started the rolls, we railed a little K. We started slow and small so as to avoid any holes. We were delightfully comfortable and fuzzy, no point in going overboard. By the end of the night, We finished 150mgs of K while watching Baraka and fell right to sleep. It could be said that the duration of the MDMA peak is comparatively short and very mellow - by an hour in or so.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37360
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2018Views: 1,456
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MDMA (3), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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