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Not Too Bad
Catnip (Organic)
Citation:   Reformed Stoner. "Not Too Bad: An Experience with Catnip (Organic) (exp37432)". Dec 18, 2007.

3 bowls smoked Catnip (plant material)
I quit smoking weed a while back because I was smoking heavily and trafficing too much each day, over $150 most days. I do smoke occasionally because I like the feeling of a good buzz.

I recently purchased a bag of certified organic catnip for my pets, two very hyper cats. I had heard on several occassions that you could smoke catnip to get high, so I decided that since its a legal high I would give it a try. At first I smoke two bowls in my pipe, which gave me an alright buzz. But then I had a brainstorm, I decided to try smoking from a gravity bong. I packed a full bowl in my gravity bong and took a massive hit. Its actually a good high, its a quite effective substitute for weed.

The feeling itself is somewhat euphoric, a relaxed kind of high. Its rather enjoyable, definately more so than I first thought it would be. The smell and taste are similar to weed, and the high is only minutely weaker when smoked through the gravity bong.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37432
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2007Views: 24,469
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