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A Perfect Mix
2C-B & 2C-D
Citation:   psy-marshal. "A Perfect Mix: An Experience with 2C-B & 2C-D (exp37463)". Oct 20, 2004.

8.0 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  16 mg oral 2C-D (powder / crystals)
Set: The following events take place over the course of an evening in my house, in a car (sober driver), in a laser show in the planetarium, then back at my house.

Setting: I'd been skiing all day and was pretty tired, but I had promised to go to a 'techno laser show' with some friends of mine and it was their first time, so I couldn't cancel. I wanted to somehow enhance the show and make sure I stayed awake. My partner decided to try a low dose of 2c-b alone, but hardly noticed an effect more that brighter colors.

Dose: 16 mgs. 2c-d and 8 mgs. 2c-b

My reasoning was, the two have a similar duration and similar effects, so might make a good combination. I thought that I should start low in the name of harm reduction, and figured at the very least, I would get to see a little of the 'smart-drug' effect of 2c-d which should display this property at this level. What I got was far from this, and most pleasantly surprising!

I dosed at around 9:00 pm.

T + 0:00 Ingest a carefully weighed amount of 2c-d and 2c-b in a gelcap.

T + 0:30 Ready to go, head off to the planetarium for a laser show, drive is pleasant, but no effects noticed yet. Conversations are easy, but lack excitement.

T + 1:00 Arrive at the planetarium, we are a bit early, so we wait for a while in the lobby. By now, the 2c-d on it's own would be ramping up to full swing, but I am not noticing anything yet. I figure I am not going to notice a great deal of effects from this dose, but I hope the laser show is interesting none-the-less.

T + 1:10 Oh, there we go! I'm getting that mild nervous jittery feeling I remember from previous 2c-d experiences. We're looking at display cases of museum artifacts that are on show in the lobby and the fine lines and details of the works really begin to stand out. I am starting to get that taste or feeling in my mouth I associate with phenthylamines. It's hard to describe, and it's only barely perceptible this time.

T + 1:30 We're finally allowed to go into the planetarium theatre. The host starts explaining what to expect for all the newbies in the crowd. He waves his hand in front of the red screen and much to my surprise, it leaves a massive trail behind it! Wow, this is going to be MUCH more than I expected. Excitement rushes through my body and soon I am greeted with a few of the muscle spasms/shivers I always have when tripping.

T + 2:00 This laser show REALLY blows! The last ones I've been to were nice trance mixes, but this one is a hard gabba-techno style thing which is grating on my nerves. Not to mention the lasers, which normally hover just above the heads of the crowd, are this time flashing and pulsing directly in our eyes the entire time. No matter how low I sink in the seat, I cannot seem to get below their penetrating and intrusive glare, which really takes away from enjoying anything else that might be going on. I thank my lucky stars at this point that I am not epileptic, as I would surely be on the floor in the throes of a fit if I were! (Think 'The Simpsons' watching the Japanese cartoon, that's what I felt like). I don't notice too many visual enhancements to the effects that are part of the laser show, but if I look around, everything else in the room is in motion.

T + 2:40 Thank God that show is finally over! Not a minute too soon for my liking. As soon as we walk back out into the lobby, I notice that everything in sight is in beautiful motion. The colors stand out much brighter than normal, and anything with a pattern (like the marble in the bathrooms) is rippling and twinkling as if made of jewels, especially in low or colored lighting. The conversation on the way home is great and funny and flows easily. My mood is light and chatty, but not gushy ala MDMA. There is none of the eerie feeling I noticed on my previous 2c-d experiences, and sadly, none of the wonderful tactile sensations 2c-b can produce.

T + 3:20 Arrive at home and head for the bedroom. As I'm lying there, I notice that the CEV's are amazing and clear, some of the best I've ever had up until this point. I see an image of a sea creature like a flat snail without a shell (I called him sail-snail), and four brilliant blue eyes along the ridge of it's back, sliding slowly on his way. He is made of the most intense colors, burnt orange with bright yellow along the edges and purple and cobalt highlights and spots. Then he races off into the distance and a vision comes before my eyes that will be impossible to explain correctly, but I will try.

I see God, or at least a man who I assume to be God, and he is in front of a table of flat, colorless plastic looking things, which he picks up, inserts a special tool into the mouth of, and inflates. These puff out into people; brightly colored and amazing in detail, but they are not the shapes of human bodies, instead, they are 'lives'. This is what is hard to explain. I was seeing God breath detail into a life, not a person, and I watched in amazement over and over again as this brain movie played on and on in my mind, continually seeing a caricature of existence being inflated to occupy the black void of the universe, then released and set on it's way. The finer aspects were never wholly static though; they moved and changed as the life floated away. I realized that all details in life are part of this creation process, not just the vessel itself which allows us to experience life, and that these details of life vary from person to person depending on our subjective response to a set of circumstances.

There is no way to accurately describe this. It was too odd, too abstract and too far removed from normal language and our 3 dimensional interpretations of things.

Within half an hour of marvelling over this thought, I could feel the chemicals leaving my body. I first noticed it as a panicky response to the feeling that my mind was blasting away from my body, not in a sleep way, but in that oddly dissociative way 2c-b seems to create on the come down. This caused my eyes to fly open, at which point I realized that I was in my room, coming down and that the OEV's were fading quickly. This sensation came and went with eyes closed a few more times. Within minutes though, I was asleep and slept soundly until the next morning, when I awoke fresh, lively and feeling great.

This combination by far blew away either of the two on their own, and the doses for both are so sparing with such a great amount of effects! I am excited to know that I can have such a wonderful experience at such a small amount. Having said that, this seemed initially to be almost purely visual, with only an enhancement of normal mental processes, but not so much an alteration. It was not until the end that I noticed my thoughts slipping deeper and deeper into the interpretive and analytical. Perhaps it was purely set and setting up until this point.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37463
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 20, 2004Views: 17,565
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2C-B (52), 2C-D (103) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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