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Synergy or Submission?
Cacti - T. pachanoi, Salvia divinorum & Cannabis
Citation:   roobs. "Synergy or Submission?: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi, Salvia divinorum & Cannabis (exp37722)". Oct 25, 2004.

T+ 0:00
12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 8:00   smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
On my last foray into my herbalist (I use the word loosely!) I was amazed and intrigued to find several cut lengths of san pedro cactus (pachanoi) and a solitary sproutling begging me to purchase and re-pot it. After tending to little pedro for about a month a few things became painfully clear... A) I have the patience of a 4yr old and b) unless I partook of cactus soon, little pedro was in danger of being prematurely ingested. I purchased a foot length of thick cactus and prepared it by cutting finely, removing the white core and boiling for 4 hours on a medium heat with 2 litres of water, blending then straining through a pillow case. This method requires no skinning or de-spining of the cactus, which in my opinion would rob it of valuable chemical content.

After boiling down my brew I was left with approx 600mls of viscous green slime that tasted like nothing remotely edible. A word of advice to those who may not have ingested pedro before. It is entirely likely you will be sick - mescaline is known to cause nausea so even if you've prepared it ok it will probably come up again. Bearing this in mind it is perhaps prudent to take a smaller dose with the intent of keeping it down for a longer period of time. I attempted to ingest the entire brew and was sick after about 25 minutes. I began to feel intoxicated (instead of just nauseous) at around one hour. As I had consumed a fairly large dose I did not in any way have a mild experience, however having learned what I have, I am confident that my next dose will stay down longer and therefore entail more absorbtion. For now that I have walked with mescalito, I am keen to return.

Colors are more vivid than the flourescant visuals I am used to with mushrooms - they are striking primaries, and proper hallucinations, rather than oev's, were a dominant characteristic of this trip. A high body load and no desire to move more than a few feet set the physical tone for the night and I was burrowed deeply into the couch watching the ceiling and listening to pink floyd for the majority of the evening. I enjoy tryptamines for their insight into the entity that spawned them and the masculine nature of pedro was very evident for the whole trip. [Erowid Note: mescaline is a phenethylamine, not a tryptamine] I embraced the masculine side of myself this night and as I am not a particulary macho guy I was able to see that the overt and aggressive masculinity that I resent in people around me is necessary and perhaps I am over-sensitive to it, a relic of my own insecurity. I realised that the reproductive nature of san pedro means that one plant can realistically live forever by cloning itself and wondered if this had anything to do with its powerful presence on our earth. Do we exploit the cactus, or does it use us to travel the world? The level of profound thought that pedro inspires is legendary.

Towards the early morning after my flatmate and his partner had risen (I had dosed at around twelve) we smoked a cone of some high quality hydroponic marijuana through my trusty bong and I was rewarded with the beautiful synergy that marijuana seems to share with most everything. Talk came easily towards the later stages of the journey (+8 hours) While fumbling with heavy fingers through my stash I came upon my salvia 5X extract and decided to give it a try to investigate any potential synergistic effects. I packed up a bowl and burned it with a jet lighter, holding the smoke deep and long as I could. What happened next was totally unexpected.

Briefly losing awareness I was shocked to find myself sitting at the table (I had never left). Though I had no visions from the salvia this particular time I was deeply disturbed to find that I was not, actually, as I had temporarily assumed, a woman. This terrified me... I have never really had any desire to be a woman so I don't think this is any subconcious revelation but rather an aspect of the strong feminine nature of salvia. My flatmate described the look on my face as absolute terror and confusion. This quickly passed and it rounded off the experience in a most insightful way. I was wired for the rest of the morning, felt truly like a denizen of the universe and didn't get to sleep until two pm. Hope you don't mind that this trip report was so long. Peace and light to you all.... Roobs

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37722
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2004Views: 10,992
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), General (1)

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