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Would Not Repeat
Citation:   Vagabond. "Would Not Repeat: An Experience with 4-Acetoxy-DiPT (exp37910)". Jul 9, 2006.

T+ 0:00
9.0 mg rectal 4-AcO-DiPT (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 8.0 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT (capsule)
  T+ 1:45 15 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
Background: Other chemicals experienced include Marijuana, LSD, Cocaine, Rohypnol, DXM, MDMA, and Alcohol.

Mindset & Setting: Well rested, fairly empty stomach, some muscles were sore from previous day’s workout. I was in my apartment with no pressing issues or matters for the rest of the evening.

Preparation: A digital scale accurate to .002g was used to weigh out 9mg of 4-Acetoxy-DiPT encased in a pill sized capsule of ice for rectal administration (this is my preferred method of administration for MDMA). Subsequent dose of 8mg was placed into a gel cap for oral administration. Final dose of 15mg was wrapped in a VERY small corner of tissue for oral administration.


7:50pm – 9mg administered rectal, 30mg Grape Seed Extract (anti-oxidant) administered oral

8:08pm – anticipation, but no effects

8:18pm – some sensation of warmth, slight trouble with concentration, slight GI nuances, slight leg buzzing.

8:30pm – slightly less of what was above, starting to think some of it may have been placebo affect, no pupil dilation.

8:50pm – 8mg administered oral via gel cap with sips of cola.

9:03pm – no change.

9:08pm – slight stomach queasiness.

9:35pm – 15mg administered oral in tissue with sips of cola. No change. Left the apartment to get a massage.

10:30pm- have a feeling of fuzziness, like there is a cloudy separation between my mental being and my physical being. My body, actions and voice at times seem to be one foot away from me. I had sex twice, but it was not all that enjoyable, as this also felt like it was happening distant from me. There is no effect on any of my 5 senses, and besides the fuzziness, none on my mental state either. Body felt a little warn out and distant from me.

12:47pm – went to bed, ability to sleep was no different than normal.

Summary: I had very minor effects from what is typically considered a moderate dose. Nothing was felt or experienced that I would consider pleasurable or interesting. Body felt tired, fuzzy, and distant, with no changes in any of the 5 senses. The best way I could describe it would be the way I feel after an experience on MDMA or LSD. Kind of drained and out of it.

I don’t have much desire to try it again, but may give it one more shot at a single dose of around 30-35mg.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37910
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2006Views: 11,262
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