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Hare Krishna, Pass the Seeds
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Causal Ocean. "Hare Krishna, Pass the Seeds: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp38033)". Aug 1, 2007.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I had always been fascinated with LSD but hadn’t taken any for approximately 30 years, since my early 20s. At age 48 I no longer have a social life conducive to the acquisition of such substances, so I decided to go the legal route with Morning Glory seeds. I finely ground 200 Heavenly Blues--purchased online and touted as untreated--in a coffee grinder and slowly ate the powder a pinch at a time interspersed with sips of sparkling water. When I had finished eating the powder one hour later, I was already beginning to feel the effects.

I watched TV while I slowly ate the seeds, and even after the seeds took effect, I absently continued to watch a local news program, not thinking to change the channel due to being thoroughly engrossed. I began grinning and laughing shortly after the first effects took hold. At about the second hour since ingestion, I lay down and fell asleep for about half an hour. I awoke fresh and quite high. As the evening wore on, the hallucinations were brilliant and beautiful. Unfortunately, I could sense impurities in the substance. Where LSD has a certain fluidity, this trip was identical except for a certain static-like quality working its way in. Around the 2 to 3 hour mark, I began to feel ill. I eventually threw up and felt much better, but it was a long haul getting from bed, to the toilet, and back to bed in one piece.

As with LSD, I experienced the disintegration of my normal ego. Unlike my teenage experiences, in the intervening years I had experimented much with various yoga practices and studied Vedanta philosophy, especially Bhagavad Gita. Therefore, this effect was not at all puzzling as it was when I was young. Although I simply lay on my bed, in my mind I wandered about omnisciently, the Godhead himself. I played a trick involving realizing everyone is one, but not one, all. Me, the ordinary guy, was a puddle of insignificant humanity. But as for me, the enlightened, I am we. But there is no we either--I am we, but we are unified in contradiction. I couldn’t help thinking of the Beatles lyrics, “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.“

I experienced--not intellectually realized, but experienced--the truth within the phrase from the Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad--neti neti (not this, not this). Easier to say was isn’t than what is. I realized then while I was experiencing this Godlike state that articulating the experience would never convey the meaning--which is born out here. As I lay on my side, I recited the Mahamantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare--Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare. But not quickly in a staccato fashion, but very very slowly, savoring the sound and movement of my mouth and tongue--Haaaaarrrreee Krrrrrishnnnnnaaaaa Haaaarrrreee Krrrrriiishnnnnaaa. Delicious, fluid syllables.

How wrong, I thought, for the devotees to recite it rapid fire. It should be recited very leisurely, making every sound count, every name meant sincerely, without mechanical repetition. As the evening progressed the visual effects continued unabated and seemed to increase in color and depth. I experienced a few minutes of despair when I thought about my normal life--how wrong, misguided, unenlightened and mundane it was.

I once again tried reciting the mantra, but quickly stopped because it was standing in the way of solving the mental problem at hand that I was trying to work through. In hindsight, I wonder whether I should have consciously sat for a sustained session of mantra instead of chasing intellectual loops, but I didn’t. Finally I put my hands to my head and said 'oh shit.' But then I quickly reminded myself that my life would again make sense when I came down in a little while, and I calmed myself down nicely and fell asleep shortly afterwards.

All in all, it was a very positive experience, and I fell asleep sometime after 8 hours, still tripping away. I plan to try it again, but in the hopes of controlling the nausea better I will try 100 seeds and see how that goes. In two ways it was superior to LSD--no teeth clenching, and no speedy-can't-sleep syndrome. If not for the nausea, it would have been one of the best trips I ever had.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38033
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2007Views: 9,633
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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