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I Got a Tingly Type Feeling
Kava (extract) & Tobacco
Citation:   Jennifer. "I Got a Tingly Type Feeling: An Experience with Kava (extract) & Tobacco (exp38151)". Apr 14, 2020.

  smoked Kava (extract)
    smoked Tobacco  
Relaxation Kava Style

I buy my Kava paste ["70% Kavalactone"] at a local smoke shop. Usualy a coffee stir stick is used to scoop out the paste to put it in the baggy to weigh it. Then the guy wipes the extra off the stick and gives the stick to the customer to suck on.

My first kava experience came after I had been sucking on the stick for a bit then decided to wipe it on a cigarette paper and roll some tobacco. When I smoked the cigarette I was surprised how strong it was. I got a tingly type feeling all over my body. It felt kind of like an energy flowing through my body. Now that I have used kava paste more I don't get such a strong effect. Now I just get a really nice muscle relaxing effect. I usually use kava befor bed. Kava is also good for numbing things. So putting some kava paste in my mouth would get that all numb. The guy at the smoke shop was even thinking of using some kava paste before getting some dental work done.

Kava gives a nice body relaxing effect with no real head change. Good stuff to use before bed. A little kava paste goes a long way.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38151
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2020Views: 1,102
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Tobacco (47), Kava (30) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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