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Undefined, Life Changing...
Citation:   sepulfreak. "Undefined, Life Changing...: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp38173)". Aug 2, 2005.

8.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Experience: First time with 5-MeO-DMT I also have experience with Mescaline, 2C-I, 2C-E, 2C-C, 2C-D, LSD, LSA, Mushrooms, Iprocin (4-HO-DiPT), Miprocin (4-HO-MiPT), Salvia, DXM, Ketamine, MDMA, MDA, Methylone, IAP and Cannabis as for the 'mind' drugs.

Mindset: Good mood.
Method of Dosing: Nasal, insufflated.
Trip Dose and Duration: 8mgs, around 30 minutes.
Medications: None.

I was in my room, pondering the thought of having my first experience with the magical 5-MeO-DMT. Since I did not know of a perfect smoking method, I decided to try insufflating 8mgs. I had Enigma’s “Endless Quest” and “Celtic Dream” on my Winamp playlist, and I was laying on my bed after I had ingested it.

Within a few minutes, I could feel something building. There was a feeling in my head and a euphoria felt in the body. It was a beautiful and amazing feeling. It came on very fast and intense, though for some reason, not threatening in any way. I could feel a spiritual entity growing inside of me, though I could not see my reality being taken from me. The music flowed, and I danced along with it. It was all about the feeling, not what I was seeing. I kept closing my eyes, waiting for the visions to come, but there were none.

I then felt an urge to visit the outdoors. This spirit was leading me out.. As I walked outside, it was very bright, and it brought a large smile to my face. I felt as though the world just smiled right back. This beautiful psychedelic had turned my world upside down and backwards. The only visual effect was a fluttering in everything I looked at. The woods view from my backyard was beautiful. I sat in the grass and looked at everything, seeing it for what it is. ..Beauty, though it would not distort. The grass was still grass, the trees were still trees, and the sky was still the great blue sky. The clouds flowed, but in no particular motion typical of any psychedelic I’ve tried. They just moved as they would normally. I felt very clear headed. I could hold a conversation, but I was somehow gone, far away from this world.

All of a sudden, I felt like I had fallen from the sky. Everything just came back to normal, though it was so strange because the whole time I felt as though nothing had changed. ..But indeed it did. I still cannot figure out exactly what happened. All I can really say is that time was frozen.

As I felt myself return, I looked at the grass. It somehow appeared normal again, though it also appeared normal during the experience. There was something felt rather than seen. There was something deeper moving the experience along than just mere enhancement of the senses and altered chemicals in the brain. I felt the presence of God.

Overall, there was no fear in the experience other than the spiritual fear typical of a true psychedelic voyage. In fact, there were plenty bouts of euphoria. My only regret is that I hadn’t planned the trip to be in a more natural setting for the duration of the time. There will be much more experimentation needed to reveal the true character of 5-MeO-DMT to me, but this was a perfect first experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38173
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 2, 2005Views: 9,779
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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