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Good, Bad, Worse but Still Going On
Citation:   Kayla. "Good, Bad, Worse but Still Going On: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp38438)". Aug 9, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated vaporized Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I'm 16 years old and the first time I did meth, I did it with a few pretty close friends. I did a pretty long line on a CD case in my friend's car around 11PM. The burn wasn't too bad.

At first, I didn't notice anything different. Then, I started talking and talking and talking and I felt so close to my friends. I felt like I knew them my whole life. Then around 1AM, I did another small line. We sat in the same spot for 6 hours talking about anything and everything. I mostly listened to them. I became so interested in what they had to say. The next day, my friends came down pretty hard (this wasn't their first time) but I was fine all day and coming down was no big deal at all. The second time (about a month or two later) was a little more intense. I was on a run for about 2 days (doesn't seem much but I went from smoking pot straight to meth). The meth seemed a lot better and we had a good amount for a small group. I felt so happy this time. When I came down, I started to feel like my friends did the first time I did it. I heard voices talking behind me but no one was there. I would hear things a lot louder and I seemed more focused but not quite as talkative.
I heard voices talking behind me but no one was there. I would hear things a lot louder and I seemed more focused but not quite as talkative.

About 3-4 weeks later, my friends and one of their mom's bought an 8-ball. I put in the least amount of money to help pay and I tweaked more than any of them. First, a few of us did a line. This line was different then the lines I've done before. The girl did not crush it up very well and it was long, as well as thick. It was a little bit longer then a pen or a marker. They all started to do a 'hot rail' and I was interested to try. I heated up the glass stem until she said it was good and I inhaled the meth vapor into my nose and exhaled through my mouth. This was the first time smoked meth. After that, I felt so wonderful and just perfect. I was at that perfect feeling where it's not too much but just right. We left that house and went to another friend's house around 9PM.

My friend asked me if I wanted another line and I couldn't say no. The line was, again, huge (to me anyways) and not crushed well. After snorting this, the burn was so bad that my eyes were watering. The draining to the back of my throat made me gag and overcome with nausea. I could not stop moving, no matter how hard I tried. I started to get really paranoid and I thought everyone in the room was looking at me and whispering about me when I left the room. My mind was thinking so fast that it became very hard to get my words/thoughts out. I was cold but I kept getting hot chills through my body. I had a slight fever also. All my friends said my face was a deep red and I looked very uncomfortable. Luckily, my friend's mom helped me and told me to get fresh air, put a cold rag around my neck, and/or lay down. I tried laying down first but I freaked myself out when I looked at my chest and I could see my heart beating. Plus, being alone with all these thoughts going through my head isn't exactly great. Believe it or not, the cold rag and fresh air did help out. In about an hour, I started to feel better or I just got used to it.

This was the most intense high I have gotten out of the few times I've done it. I noticed I grinded my teeth a lot more this time. Around 8AM, the next morning, we did another 'enormous', poorly crushed line. I was so tired and exhausted that the line barely had an effect on me. I didn't feel as tired but I didn't talk at all and I just stared at objects in the room. I noticed my jaw was clenched shut for a long time to the point where it hurt to open my jaw and I was grinding my teeth even more. Around 2PM, I started to come down. First, I saw what people call 'shadow people.' (where you see shadow-like-figures move out of the corner of your eye). Then, I started to feel extremely sick and my head was pounding with pain. Just the thought of doing another line to help me come up made me feel more sick. I laid down on stomach (for me, it helped) where no one was talking. Everytime I moved, I felt the urge to vomit. When the sickness went away, I had more hallucinations. I looked at the towel laying on the basement floor and it seemed to shift. Right before I left, I had to smoke it one last time.

When I went home around 9PM, I thought I was seriously going to pass out. I laid down for an hour and woke up with a lot of energy. I felt like I was still tweaked. It became hard to breathe and I started to cough a lot. My teeth started to hurt really bad so I looked in the mirror to see if I cracked any of them and I noticed on the side of my tongue there were teeth-sized chunks missing where I was grinding my teeth (I did not bite down so hard to where it bled, it just took layers off), I had bite marks on the tip of my tongue where I was chewing on it and I had holes on my cheeks from grinding my teeth. This freaked me out really bad. So I looked it up on the internet and here I am. I'm still feeling tweaked and it's 4AM. I assume the cough I have was from the hot rail. I can still taste the meth on the back of my tounge.

Though this experince did scare me, I would still do meth tomorrow if I could. I believe I did do too much and I could have stopped myself from doing more when I was already at a good state. I do encourage people who are not familiar with meth or any drug to at least get facts about it on the internet and save yourself a bad experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38438
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Aug 9, 2018Views: 1,722
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Methamphetamine (37) : Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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