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My Brain Felt Like It Practically Turned Off
Oxycodone & Cyclobenzaprine
Citation:   Via Con Dios. "My Brain Felt Like It Practically Turned Off: An Experience with Oxycodone & Cyclobenzaprine (exp38563)". May 10, 2006.

10 mg oral Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (pill / tablet)
  5.0 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  325 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (daily)
I recently came across some Cyclobenzaprine and generic Oxycodone pills. The cyclobenzaprine was a kind of beige round pill(a little bit bigger than a sudafed) with '751' imprinted on one side and 'M' imprinted on the other side. I think the Cyclobenzaprine was generic too, but im not certain. I was able to identify that the oxycodone was indeed generic because of the pill pictures in the oxycodone vault. It is a white round pill with a '512' imprinted on one side of the pill.

I had 1 of the oxycodones a few days earlier, which I smoked pot with. Also i had been smoking pot for the past week everyday.

I was back at school after a short thanksgiving break. My mind was stressed with the thoughts of all the work I have due in a short period of time and final exams and everything. I needed something to relax me. I remembered the pills I had and decided to take one Cyclobenzaprine and one Oxycodone. But before I popped the pills I thought I should look online and see if mixing the two drugs would be dangerous.

T+ 0:00
I'm in my apartment style dorm. The room is fairly dark. My roomate is here. He's a criminal justice major, lol. He's a nice kid but he doesnt even drink alcohol and hes of legal age. I orally take one cyclobenzaprine(10mg) and one oxycodone(5mg oxycodone/325 acetaminophen).

T+ 0:20
I'm starting to feel 'different' only after about 10 or 20 minutes. I started getting a little nervous and my heart was beating fast. But it seemed to slow back down to normal after I kept telling myself 'its ok, your fine, just relax'. This seems to happen to me just about everytime i take a new substance or new combination.

T+ 1:00
At this point I've become very sedated. I feel very relaxed. My back and neck was a little sore before dosing, probably from sleeping in a bad position the night before. The soreness is completely gone and my back and entire body feels great. My skin feels warm. Not warm to the touch, but warm in the sense that i feel kinda like im wrapped in a blanket. My skin just feels warm and this is a pleasurable feeling. My face is especially warm feeling. There is a slight feeling of tightness around my head, kind of like im wearing a hat. My mind feels like its slowing down too.

T+ 2:00
Whoa my brain is so slow right now. It feels like my brain is working at 5%. I dont care though because I have no need or intention of studying. I'm tired but relaxed. I've been listening to mostly techno for the last 2hrs. I like many types of music but for some reason i kept playing this techno cd i had over and over again. I'm spacing out alot. Not like day dreaming, but like fully spacing out to the point where im just sitting there not thinking of anything. It was almost like my brain 'shut-off' or went on 'standby'(like a computer goes on standby) when i would space out.

T+ 2:30
My roomate has gone to sleep and I am very tired too. I decide to lay down and fall asleep very quickly. I slept well and felt a little hazy after waking up but this feeling went away after being awake for a few hours. Also i should mention i took a prescription 20mg Adderall in the morning which very well may have taken away that hazy feeling. I had not taken Adderall for about a week and half prior to this experience.

Conclusion: I found this combination to be pleasurable if I just want to lay down, listen to music and relax. That drug interaction statement about how the two drugs will slow down your brain alot was definitely true. I've had my brain slow down before with weed, painkillers and anti-depresants but never to this extent. I went to sleep while I was still strongly under the influence of these drugs.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2006Views: 150,192
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Oxycodone (176), Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (267) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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