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Heaven Inside
Methamphetamine, BZP & GHB
Citation:   Smoker. "Heaven Inside: An Experience with Methamphetamine, BZP & GHB (exp38642)". Jan 28, 2005.

T+ 0:59
3 hits smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59 30 mg oral Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 300 mg oral BZP (liquid)
  T+ 0:59     GHB  
Over time I've gotten bored with doing stimulants on their own so I'm always searching for the best combinations. My favorite one so far is Meth + MDMA: it produces the best euphoria and has nice synergy between the two substances. Looking to find other combos I decided to experiment with BZP. It seems to combine well with just about all the other stimulants so I felt safe trying it with Methamphetamine. Plus I had some Clonazepam pills for safety.

I woke up and smoked about 3 good hits of meth off a foil. Now this stuff is pure and produces a much smoother effect than 'street speed'; this is also its drawback, however, as one may think one is not spun enough and do more which would lead to an overdose. I ingested around 30 more mg orally and went to a friend's appartment. When I got there (an hour later or so) I took ~300mg BZP (it was dissolved about 1gram/100 milliliters.) and about 30 minutes later I felt an incredible rush and decided to lie down on the bed. I closed my eyes for a second and felt a calm wave of energy rush through me. After that I got up and started dancing. I felt great, my body was really light and it felt like there is heaven inside it that's how I can describe it. We then turned on some happy hardcore and had us a mini trance party :)) This brings me to this moment in time. I also ingested some GHB which seems to work GREAT with all the other substances, contrary to what I read.

In conclusion I'd say that this combo still does not beat Meth+MDMA but still has great substance synergy resulting, surprisingly in a more 'calm' stimulant effect. Be careful with the dosages, however. I'm personally all about safety in drug use so I carry benzos and clondine with me in case something goes wrong they always seem to help.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38642
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2005Views: 12,105
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Methamphetamine (37), BZP (101) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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