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This Is My Brain on Drugs
5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis
by rion
Citation:   rion. "This Is My Brain on Drugs: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis (exp38648)". May 20, 2005.

13 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  13 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Most of the experiences reports that I've read or heard concerning high doses of foxy have concluded with a synopsis of useless at best and just plain terrifying at worst, however I've found it to have a generally enlightening effect, and at times it's helped me to reach a pronounced state of 'meta-cognition'. The second time I took foxy I had the sensation that I could 'feel' which side of my brain was doing the thinking and even shift from side to side and with some work, hold it in the 'middle' ( a difficult mindstate to keep for any length of time). I've taken the fox a number of times since, all amazing and insightful but it was my third experience that was the most mind blowing psychedelic experience I've had to this day (and I've had a lot of mind-blowers, with 'stronger' drugs too).

Set: It's my 23rd birthday, I spent the previous night performing a cleansing ritual which concluded with a massive salvia dose that was just barely interesting (I was hoping for complete disassociation I just got voices and patterns. Wierd stuff, Sally D, sometimes so little can do so much, sometimes it just dosen't work) with no effects into today. My friends that I was living with at the time had had a baby three days before, in a most loving manner, at home, and I was pretty much in love with and in awe of life.

Setting: My room at a lodge in northern Minnesota that my parents rented for me as a birthday present and a ski hill about a five minute drive away. I was due for a trip and I wanted to give the new family some time to be together. It was a great day for snowboarding, there was actually fresh powder on the hill ( this never happens in MN) and it was cold as hell but sunny.

I had two 15-20 mg caps of sir-fox-a-lot and some really good weed. I spent the morning and early afternoon at the hill (smoking a little somewhere in the middle). I then went back to the lodge to warm up in the hot tub for a while and take me some drugs. Weighing my previous experiences I decide that I should take one and a half caps and go back to the hill and then come back to the room and take the rest, figuring the I could make the drive before it kicked in, spend a few hours at the hill and then drive back when I came down (I would later find out how stupid this was). I poured out the caps, divided it into four piles, ate one and a half, snorted the same and saved the rest for later. I made it to the hill and could feel it kicking in, quickly, around half an hour in I was going up the lift and 'everything' changed, suddenly the hill was not just a ski hill but a gigantic white brain. I 'realized' that since everything that I 'saw' was in fact my own interpretation of outside events taking place inside my head (nuerologically speaking), that it must be my own brain that I was actually 'looking' at when I looked at the outside world, and the objects I 'saw' were merely my own interpretation of neuro-phenomena inside.

Looking down at the hill from the chairlift everything took on new significance, skiers sliding down the hill were suddenly bacteria sliding around the top of my brain, the snow groomers that weren't there in the afternoon were obviously the foxy molecules slowly sliding down my brain, leaving a smooth trail behind (I wasn't really sure wether this was good or bad). The weirdest part was that I could actually feel it all inside my head, moving around. It kind of aggrevated me that all of these bacteria were moving around on MY brain carving lines that would invariably become my thoughts and I couldn't do anything about it. But like I said I couldn't do anything about it so I went with the flow. I was still co-ordinated enough to snowboard, ride the lift and keep it together around other people somehow, but where I was hoping for some of that foxy feel-good feel (riding on boards is a very sensual feeling for me), each run was a long thought stream directed by my physical movement. Finally I had enough and had to get off of the hill (it was very cold and I was worried about getting frostbite and not noticing) thinking if I could handle a snowboard I could handle a car.

I drove back to the lodge. Driving was stupid and terrifying it just takes way too much attention to too many different things and I couldn't even begin to imagine the horror of injuring someone, or worse, while tripping. But due to my poor planning it was either that or hang out at the chalet at the hill where a cop was giving me some wierd looks and I felt like I was about to FREAK...plan ahead kids. The drive was tense but it went ok, although I kept forgetting to turn into the lodge's parking lot and had to drive past it three times before I got it. The woman at the front desk gave me a huge smile as I ran to my room.

Tense and freezing cold I ran a hot bath and smoked a cigarette to calm down, I wasn't a smoker at the time and I wasn't sure why I bought them until now, it helped so much. I packed a pipe of weed and decided to just throw the rest of the foxy on top, it was already late and I didn't want to go too much deeper into this rabbit hole, but I had thrown the caps away and I didn't want to waste it. I lit some candles got in the tub and lit up.

So much deeper into the hole, my trip had this far been basically visual free, all of the sudden the dark room exploded with color, only it wasn't the normal swirly fractals but my 'mind' all layed out on a nice grid, not unlike an ethereal hard drive. I could float around to various thought forms and memories each with its own location, only I wasn't alone. There were bacteria everywhere and they were as suprised as me that I could see them, there were cries of 'whats she doing here, how can she see this!?!'. Some tried hiding, but it was my brain and I was in control. I soon 'realized' or was told that there were malevolant and benevolent bacteria, parasites and symbiotes and that the population of each side could be controlled by my diet and drug intake and while I couldn't get rid of either one I could control the malevolant bacteria and the negative thoughts that they caused, all I had to do was take control and not be afraid.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38648
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2005Views: 9,556
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Various (28)

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