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Riding The Iceberg
2C-T-2 & Cannabis
Citation:   D Literate. "Riding The Iceberg: An Experience with 2C-T-2 & Cannabis (exp38798)". Sep 6, 2007.

40 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
To be quite honest, I didn't originally intend to take such a large amount. Upon a friend's suggestion (I still consider him a good friend) I consumed the aforementioned amount and chased with a substantial amount of water.

Unlike previous experiences with this particular chemical, the major effects did not wait 2 hours to hit. I was feeling a massive body high and having slight visuals at the 30 minute mark, and at the time this seemed troubling. If the effects were this strong at 30 minutes, I feared that maybe I had taken it too far. This thought was fleeting as myself and two unintoxicated observer/babysitters arrived at my house. The body high kept building for about 20 more minutes, but the visuals went unnoticed during this time because I was watching television. As soon as I switched off TV, the visuals came roaring from all angles, including patterning, warping of fixed objects, and tracers from lights and moving objects.

These became more and more intense in proportion to the body high, and I began sweating profusely and feeling slightly nauseous. I began removing articles of clothing beginning with my jacket, then my shoes, then my socks. I remember at that point pacing around my house, trying to keep my mind on a track to avoid the proverbial freak-out. I kneeled in a bedroom, looking at the carpet rippling outward from my feet like I was walking on water, and one of my observer buddies came to check on me. For some reason, still unclear to me at this time, I looked at myself in a mirror and the reflection of my face was horribly disfigured and askew. For some reason the presence of my friend combined with the horror in the mirror caused me to panic and flee the room.

In between perfectly cognicient thoughts were very irrational and animalistic urges which my body would act on without consulting my upper thought processes for confirmation. It was as if my entire ego dissolved, leaving only a primalized ape of a person, but I didn't even have enough thought capability to grasp this concept, I simply freaked out. I ran outside, stripping off my shirt as I went. The cold air was refreshing beyond my wildest dreams, it seemed to cleanse my soul with every biting gust.

As I stopped to feel the wind, my buddy who I had fled seconds before caught up with me, and I felt for a second that I had lost my mind. The realization of how close I came to this form of insanity was very sobering, and the immediate next realization that I was still there made me cry with happiness. By now my friend was fairly freaking out, thinking I was on the verge of going over the mental edge. He guided me back indoors before neighbors could freak out and call police, and told me to lay on the floor to grasp my bearings. The floor itself felt like it was bucking like the deck of a boat in the ocean. It was also cool to the touch, which was pleasing at the time.

My friend then put on a song which I will never think of the same after this time - Riders on the Storm by the Doors. I closed my eyes and drifted with the song. It now felt as if I was riding an iceberg on an ocean, with the delicate nuances of the song playing across the nerves of my body like raindrops hitting my skin. The song totally changed my mental state and calmed me considerably. From there on, it was like I was gently floating everywhere I went.

We later went on to another friends house to visit with some mutual acquaintances. A normally terse and short-spoken visit turned into a wonderful carnival of faces and voices and menthol cigarettes. Even dispite my obvious inebriation, I was still able to communicate very clearly, and for one of those rare moments, I felt I was the center of all activity in the universe - a truly novel feeling to say the least. We all sat down and smoked a few bowls of cannabis to calm the nerves (my nerves needed the most calming) and the feeling of the smoke in my lungs was not burning or painful as it is sometimes, but it felt like a wonderful rumbling massage of my chest. The night wound out shortly thereafter with my coming down completely.

That night I took the most 2-CT-2 I have ever taken in one night in my life, and I absolutely LOVED it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 38798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 6, 2007Views: 10,459
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