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Mild, But Interested to Try Again
Citation:   Cactushead. "Mild, But Interested to Try Again: An Experience with 5-MeO-DALT (exp38868)". Dec 27, 2004.

15 mg oral 5-MeO-DALT
9:35- 10-20 mgs. Probably under 20, but I was not able to measure it accurately.

10:15- Feeling some awareness of having taken a substance. Difficult at this point to determine what the feelings actually are. Noticed slight trails, however, this could also be due to having taken 4-HO-DiPT several days ago.

10:40- Well, something is different, however, I really cannot tell what. It is apparent to me though that I have more energy than earlier… I have been having fun moving around the apartment and dancing. There seems to be some subtle energy permeating through the air around me. It is in this ether that I’m also noticing slight trails and after-images. Again, ever since I took the Iprocin, I’ve been seeing a lot of after-images, so it could be attributed to that. Music may be sounding better somehow too. Or I’m just more into it. Physically I feel nothing except for slightly being warm. Mentally, nothing astounding other than a slight alertness. Emotionally, I am noticing a slightly elevated mood.

12:00- Well, I feel like I’m basically back down. I’m still having some trails, but my energy is not apparent anymore. My roommate says he feels a little like he’s drunk. I think we’re both gonna get ready to call it a night. This was a good first experience, but I’ll want to up the dosage next time (I wanted to start on a low dose first though, to avoid any unwanted reactions.) I think this drug has a lot of potential, although I doubt it gets very visual.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 27, 2004Views: 22,624
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5-MeO-DALT (321) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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