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Incredible Audial, Still Unpleasant
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Mullet. "Incredible Audial, Still Unpleasant: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp38994)". Apr 15, 2007.

9.4 g oral Morning Glory (edible / food)
  2.0 g oral Vitamin C (pill / tablet)
I have had some previous experience with Morning Glory seeds (2 or 3 decent trips), but never Heavenly Blues. My friend recently acquired some Heavenly Blues, so one day I decided to try them out with him.

An hour or so before ingesting the seeds, my friend and I each took 2 1000mg vitamin C tablets, which supposedly makes for a more intense trip, while decreasing paranoia. We then made some milkshakes, milk, vanilla ice cream and bananas. Then we ground up the seeds with a food processor (app. 250 each) and blended them into the shakes. We devoured the milshakes around noon. At the time, this was a delicious alternative to Morning Glory tea (anyone who has tried this knows how horrid it tastes). However, in retrospect, the thought of the milkshake makes me nauseous.

About 20 minutes after ingestion, the nausea set in. We began to eat Tums, which we had on hand from previously gained knowledge. We plowed through the Tums, and then went our seperate ways. I lay down in my bed and tried to combat the sickness that way for a while, while my friend wandered off. I saw him infrequently throughout the rest of the day, so at this point I may as well leave him out of the account.

Maybe about an hour into the trip the nausea began to get worse. I knew I should keep it in my system as long as possible, so I forced myself not to throw up. At this point I began to come up, and was enjoying minor body rushes and a feeling very similar to a Cannabis high.

The nausea continued to plague my thoughts though, and easily overpowered any euphoria I may have had at this time. After about an hour and half of terrible terrible nausea I decided to go for a walk. I saw some very cool visuals within the trees, which I always do when tripping. I was also listening to music the whole time, and was experiencing some minor audio benefits. The music seemed to be speaking to me, and I felt like I was having a conversation with the singers. Very cool.

After an hour or so of this I returned to my room. It was soon getting dark and cold outside, and I decided to stay around indoors for a while. At this point I really began to trip hard.

I became unfunctional, and paranoid. I thought that everything I was doing was wrong, and that if someone walked in on me they would have been disgusted. I was only listening to music and lying down. My other friend who knew I was tripping made me some chunky's soup, which I was very grateful for. He told me later that I was basically unable to function. I couldn't open doors without help, I thought everything that was said to me was a personal attack, and I grew afraid of handshakes and high-fives. I have no real recollection of this time, but everyone who saw me throughout this time said I was fairly out of sorts.

In my fairly paranoid sense, my friends decided it would be best to leave me alone, I guess. I sat alone in my room, curled into a ball in the corner of my bed. I was istening to Crosby Stills Nash and Young, live version. I felt at this time that I became the song, and taking my pulse, I realized that it matched flawlessly with the beat. I felt every note going through my body, out to my limbs, and into my fingers and toes. It was incredible. At one point I realized I had been holding my breath, so I let it out in a long content exhalation. As my breath ended, I realized in the back of my mind that CSNY hit their last note and let it out. My breath and their note ended at the same instant.

I had heard before thet morning glories were a very audial drug, but had never experienced it before this. It was simply incredible.

While I may have had an amazing trip by the end, I won't be doing Heavenly Blues again, probably ever. Though I was somehow able to not vomit, the nausea was the worst I have ever had from a drug, and lasted over 2 and a half hours. I won't say I recommend anything I did, but if you're looking for such an audial experience, this may be it. At least, its the only such experience I've had.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38994
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 15, 2007Views: 6,427
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