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MDMA Abuse
Citation:   JkUDaWG. "MDMA Abuse: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp3900)". Feb 10, 2001.

    MDMA (pill / tablet)
Ectasy is a great drug, indeed. It is the drug of choice of most teenage americans. Raves, clubs, glowstics, hugging, kissing, getting intimate. It brings people to life, and life to people. The story I am about to tell you is all true, and brings nothing but facts (and however else you would like to interpet).

Last year, the term of MDMA ran in thru my skull around Summer of 1999. Ecstasy, whats Ecstasy? Pills? I would never do that. But yet, I took it. I felt the drug run thru my thick bloodstream pacing to the back of my brain, waiting for the explosion throughout my mind. Oh yes, it was an incredible experience. I remember the lights moving, the people I had my conversations with, even the faces of those who massaged my head and neck and body. All in all, I had an amazing nite. Who knew this nite would turn into the biggest tragedy I ever created.

I brought the drug home. I brought it to my friends, to my x girlfriend, to my school. I transferred this materialistic item throughout pretty much all of the county, as you can say 'spreading the wealth.' The first person I left it with, we can call A. She loved it just as much as I did. We got onto the habit of eating pill after pill every single weekend, until our question of the nite was not 'What do you wanna do tonite,' but more of 'Where are we gonna get our rolls tonite?' It was getting bad.

I can feel the pain running thru me as to the question if this person was my love or just someone who I have transformed to loving on a drug. I started to regret it. Still, I continued experimenting. I was now at the stage of about 3 times a week, pretty bad for a high schooler? It got so bad I was starting to deliver for people, just so I can cop some pills on a side job.

Pretty soon, I was dealing. Little after that, I was dealing and using. May 5,2000 was the last nite I ever took ectasy. It was the absolute worst nite of my life. Not only was my pills weak, but my friends betrayed me as well as the girl I usually spend my time with on that particular drug. It was as if the drug became everyones new friend, and I was left in the dust. May 12,2000 my life changed. I was incarcerated for possession of 100 MDMA pills. Bad times, yes very bad times.

From this experience, I learned that drugs lead to nothing but fake friends and fake relationships. Lies, deceit, and regret. I know who my real true friends are and who have always been. My advice, dont take Ectasy thinking everyone is your best friend now. They will surely stab you in the back. Also, be careful. Word spreads faster than you think.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 3900
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2001Views: 14,302
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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