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Beautiful Music...
Citation:   Leanne. "Beautiful Music...: An Experience with Cannabis (exp3911)". Erowid.org. Mar 5, 2001. erowid.org/exp/3911

  smoked Cannabis
If anyone is looking for some music to listen to when you're stoned, I have the perfect song: 'The End' by the Doors. Let me tell you, listen to this song, and tell me if the same thing happens to you:

I was lying on my friend's bed, getting ready for the song to come on. The lights were out, except for a lava lamp in the corner. The first few measures of the song sound like they are literally going in one ear, colliding with your brain, and then exiting the other ear. Then Jim starts singing. It is like you're walking up the stairway to heaven. You can picture yourself walking up a golden staircase, with little angel children playing the instruments all along the sides of the stairs. All along the staircase there are trees of gold and candy. Jim Morrison is like God, calling you to heaven. I picture myself wearing this white dress with sparkles all over, and a crown of flowers. Finally, you have reached heaven, and you hear birds chirping, almost like you're in a field of flowers. If you concentrate hard enough, it almost feels like you're flying.

Suddenly, the song changes. It's like all your sins have culminated, and 'God' realizes it, and starts you on your way to hell. The music gets creepy, and the birds die out slowly. It felt like I was falling. I literally felt something pulling me downward. Jim starts singing, only it's more like yelling. He is now more of a satan character. The images in your head go from being white and gold, to red and black. The force that pulls you is so intense, it is the most amazing experience.

So, now that you all think I'm crazy, try listening to this song when you're stoned, and get back to me on the results :).

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3911
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2001Views: 4,833
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