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Come Up Is Kinda Long
Citation:   likwid. "Come Up Is Kinda Long: An Experience with 2C-E (exp39220)". Jan 31, 2005.

T+ 0:59
15 mg oral 2C-E
  T+ 2:30 15 mg oral 2C-E
I have taken 2c-e probably many times as acid is dry and mushrooms are overpriced. I like 2c-e a lot because of all the visuals; 15 milligrams gives me more visuals than a quarter of average mushrooms would. 25 gives me more intense visuals than like 10 hits of most of the crappy blotter I would get off the street. 2c-e usually starts off with a small body buzz that some compare to ecstasy. It is very common also towards the end of the come up, shortly before the peak to experience nausea. I puke almost every time I take it, no joke. Even if I have eaten at all during the day, I will puke it up. Usually, right after the purge, the trip fully begins.
It is also important to note that even though I have tripped on 2c-e many times, I have also have introduced many people to it, so I have seen its effects on a diverse crowd.

Sometimes, the nausea comes in waves, usually this only happens with doses 20 mg's or higher. The visuals that 2c-e gives are, for lack of a better way to describe it, classically psychedelic. There aren't just small trails sometimes, there is complete visual debauchery happening at all times. My peripheral vision may melt into my regular vision, causing a type of fisheye-lens effect. I like it. Not only do things melt and bubble, but many multi-color fractal psychedelic patterns emerge from everywhere. The closed-eyed visuals are VERY good. I could get lost for hours in them. This drug is not weak in any sense, a few of the people I introduced this to said that they didn't even think a drug could cause so many visuals, as they had only experienced very minor visuals (1- 4 hits of street blotter).

I usually give 15 milligrams when people try the drug, however some people can get off on as little as 8 milligrams. 15 mg's is way too much for some- especially those who are not emotionally stable. Drugs CAN and WILL fuck you up. Your psyche is just a bunch of chemicals, so, naturally, you can expect to feel very very strange things. Once, I hooked a friend's boyfriend up with a hit. I didn't know him too well, but I came to find out at a later date that he had some issues. He dabbles (a bit more than dabbling I would say) in la cocaina. During his peak on 2c-e, several bad things happened to him:

1. He was under a delusion (a false story or thought that could not make any logical sense to someone who is in touch with reality) that he was god. That's right, the guy who created everything you see around you. (Or whatever you want to call this being)

2. He tried to create trees from nothing. That's right. I watched him try as hard as he could to create weed out of nothing because our stash was running low. This is not a cool thing to see.

3. He thought I was satan. Due to the fact that I am what many would call a hippie, I get a little wild when I do drugs. So, I was dancing and just telling random stories to take people's minds off of how f'd up this kid was, and I think I told some story about smoking mad blunts with satan at an mmw concert while they were funking real hard. Somehow, he translated this into thinking that I was, in fact, satan.

4. He tried to make patterns out of everything we said or did- patterns that were not there. This happens during psychedelic experiments, however it was happening to him at an alarming rate. It was happening at a rate that some people get committed for.

5. Word salads. I am a psychology student, as many reading this probably are too. I've never seen someone talk in word salads because of drugs. I didn't even think it could happen. I associated this with shizophrenia previously.

I have noticed that the come up on 2c-e is kind of long. Once, in NYC, I dropped 15 mg's waiting in line for an mmw show. I had taken about 25 mg's and a REALLY good ecstasy the night before, so I didn't think it would do much. 2.5 hours later I still didn't really feel anything, so I dropped the other 15. By the time the show had ended, I still only felt slight glows of tripping, but I was extremely tired from the drive to NYC, lack of sleep, and drugs. So, we head to Domino's, and at about 12:45 (approximately 6 hours after I first dosed) the drugs start to kick in. The next ten hours were spent in a 'hellishly intense introspective nightmare' in a 7 x 7 crappy hotel room with a rickety metal bunkbed. My friend slept on the bottom bunk the whole time, he wasn't tripping. This wasn't very fun. Don't underestimate- be patient for the drugs to kick in. I'll describe in detail a couple of visual disturbances:

1. Closed-Eye - I closed my eyes and was suddenly rocketed into the cosmos, stars everywhere and my 'camera angle' kept shifting in all different directions. I could see planets also. The camera angle shifts and I noticed a wizard. The wizard was a skeleton with a very psychedelic robe on, cape and all. He had a large staff by his side, a crystal ball floating in front of him and he was floating. The whole time, my camera angle, or perspective of the 'event' keeps changing. (This effect is so cool). So, next, the skeleton wizard spins around with his staff out, smashes the crystal ball, and it explodes into a psychedelic kaleidoscope. The explosion rocketed me back, so as I am floating away from it, the kaleidoscope keeps going. That was so good.

2. Open Eye - I was sitting in my old room looking at the wallpaper. The wallpaper was a pattern of blue flowers, each of them drawn pretty much the same, there were lots of them. All of a sudden, the flowers become animated, a la flip-book animation style. The petals started to wither and fall, and soon the stem withered to the ground. The pedals then started to float back upwards, as did the stem, and the flower reassembled itself. It then repeated the pedals falling away animation, but now, underneath the pedals was an eye. The stem of the flower then turned into a chain and the eye kept bouncing around within each square cell that held each flower. Remember, the wallpaper has all of these blue flowers drawn the same and they are all doing this animation. Next, the eye spun around, fell to the ground, and melted into a pool of blue liquid. I turned away to see what would happen when I turned back. As soon as I turned back, without even focusing at all, it was already doing all sorts of wild shit that, at this point, I can't even describe.

Mixing 2c-e with other drugs is something i haven't gone too in-dept with. I have candyflipped with it (i know this is usually used to LSD and e, but I don't know what else to call it). The candyflip of E and 2c-e is astounding. I mean, I don't think I've ever felt so good in my life. It's like a full-blown bodily orgasm for like four hours or so while the E peaks and synergizes with the peaking of the 2c-e. It is exquisite. I smoke marijuana at all times, the type of prize nugget you see in high times and such. Because I am blazing all the time, I can't really add any type of description for this, except this one fact about sensi: it makes EVERYTHING better- even other drugs.

Synaesthesia is brought to a whole new level with 2c-e. The music sounds beautiful. It even tastes beautiful. My senses get totally fucked with. Sometimes, I might feel like I have to take a shit. Then I sit down on the crapper, and I don't. But two seconds ago, I had to so bad. Pissing is also a very strange experience. One time, in a bathroom, on about 25 mg's, I entered what can only be described as a time/audio vortex. :-o ! What is a time/audio vortex, you may ask, well I don't know. But everything was in slow motion. The world around me was animated, as usual when tripping, but super slow-motion effects going on. Next came the sounds. It sounded like a trippy synthesizer phasing and flanging as if it were coming from a corner in the room. It would then pan and come from another corner and so on and so forth. The sound was a little bit like the sound that the bionic man (million-dollar man maybe?) makes when running. Weird.

In closing, 2c-e is a fun drug in my opinion. It gives me loads of visuals that I can't get from anything else I have access to at the moment. But, be careful, drugs aren't for everybody, they can really f you up. As much as you think you're ready to experience shit, you may just really have no clue. Also, 2c-e is a research chemical. I haven't seen any studies on it yet, so know that you are being a human guinea pig. I recommend reading The Psychedelic Experience by Tim Leary before embarking on 2c-e. I find it helps to understand and interpret a lot of the feelings you get when you trip. The book is good if you trip to find deeper meaning an 'enlightenment.' Welp, since I am not too into that stage of exploration anymore, for those of you who are in the same boat as me, enjoy the way the music looks.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39220
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2005Views: 19,525
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2C-E (137) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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