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Reality Crystalized
Cannabis (Crystals)
Citation:   FatFat. "Reality Crystalized: An Experience with Cannabis (Crystals) (exp39335)". Dec 29, 2007.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
BODY WEIGHT: 90.1 kg
I, prior to this experience, had smoked pot 3 times, but they had not worked very well. I had not even a good introduction into the true nature of 'stoned.' My mindset at this point was a mixture of curiosity and unwillingness because of lack of understanding. My accomplice was a very good friend of mine and had gotten into marijuana in grade 7 (when he was 12), had nearly stopped in grade 8, then began again in grade 9. And at this time I was also in grade nine and 14. I was a very melancholic, self-isolating, and whiny being back then. I was very sensitive, and had no mental discipline and no fully formed concept of my spirituality. A very typical grade nine in many ways.

Back to the experience, me and my friend had gone to hang out on a Saturday, I had no intention of smoking. It was a very nice day out, sunny, not too wet or dry. It was a regular spring day. My friend was smoking a fair bit of pot then and had brought along a five piece that he'd pinched from his older brother which he termed 'B.C. shit'. He said that he was going to smoke whether I did or not, I didn't mind anyway, so we went to a large ravine near my area. He asked if I could help him roll the pot into the paper, and I said sure. At this point I said that I liked the ritual better than the actual smoking. He brought out the bag, which was filled with a very fine, yellow, and hairier looking pot then I had seen before. What I didn't know, and he did, was that it was actually crystals scraped out of his brother's coffee grinder that he put away separately. I asked him if it would get me 'high enough,' because of my previous disappointing experiences. He said 'maybe,' in a very laughing manner.

He didn't know how to roll except with lined paper and that is what he used. I helped do a 'cheater's roll', where one rolls the joint before putting in the pot and widens the opening with a pencil. We did that with two joints, and he lit it, and was going to smoke it all, and I couldn't resist, so I said 'Please pass that.'

After smoking, I coughed and burped and, like he said, it tasted like milk. I think anyone who has smoked pot knows the feeling afterward. We walked up the stairs out of the ravine and it hit me as we were crossing the street, a lady passed us by and she looked like a pop-up book character. Nothing made sense. My friend who is short and stocky seemed evil and troll-like. I could hardly walk. At first it seemed like a video game, then a cartoon then a dream, or all of them all at once. To go where we were going we had to go through another, smaller ravine in my area. I for some reason was visualising/feeling a bouncing mushroom. I exclaimed to my friend 'I never knew you could feel like this.'

He said he would give me directions, he just tripped me out, telling me to walk with my toes 'on the inside out.' After exiting the ravine, I felt like I was floating. As well, there is a parking lot to a grocery store and it was barren. I couldn't believe that I was real or that anything was real. It was the first time everything in my mind became an abstract concept in the universe. I said to my friend that 'I am pulsing in and out of reality.' He just laughed.

For some reason the nice day had turned gray, and there was a pervasive fog that was everywhere and hard to see through. I kept asking my friend To stop me before traffic came because I thought that my legs were turning into a wheel. After a while I got body heaviness and really felt what gravity was for the first time, I felt like a bowling pin being swung every which way. We tried to find our other friend's house, but couldn't.

This was a very good experience over all, though I put many details in it, there were some very profound changes my consciousness underwent after and during the experience. It opened a new perspective for me. Now, without pot or drugs I access these states easily, and I meditate quite a bit. I don't smoke pot because I find, while I learn from the experience, I only do the big learning once, the rest is all details, as well, I can only focus on pot itself as the controller while on it, not myself as the guide of my existence.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 39335
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2007Views: 8,375
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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