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The Trembling Chin
Citation:   Luathas. "The Trembling Chin: An Experience with Vinpocetine (exp39358)". Jun 16, 2006.

120 mg oral Vinpocetine (daily)
I'm always searching for an energy boost, and found Vinpocetine interesting. I bought some at the health food store and took 10mg with no dramatic effect. So, I took another 10mg. After consuming about 60mg, I found my vision greatly improved, and my mind seemed much sharper. I thought, shit, this stuff is great! So, I promptly went back to the store and bought 3 more bottles of 5mg capsules, 100 per bottle.

I think I was taking maybe 120mg a day for several months, and felt ok, but noticed a strange 'racing' of thoughts, and a weird anxiety. Seemed like the world was closing in on me. Then the really weird part. My chin took on a life of its own, and started trembling when I was in any situation where a confrontation was possible. There didn't have to be a confrontation, just the thought of it, and the way I was thinking, that was most of the time.

The up side is, I had a boner most all the time, and constantly thought about sex and pussy. It became very disconcerting to even be in public with my chin and lips trembling, and a big ol' hard on pulsing in my pants. Fuckin' weird. Especially since I'm a nurse and have to wear thin scrubs. I couldn't figure out the cause of the chin thing for a while, but it finally dawned on me that the Vinpocetine was causing it. I quit the stuff, and it took like 3 months for my chin to behave. But, being the maniac that I am, I started taking it again recently.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39358
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2006Views: 16,986
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