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Some Fun with Freebasing 2C-T-2
2C-T-2 Freebase
Citation:   Triode. "Some Fun with Freebasing 2C-T-2: An Experience with 2C-T-2 Freebase (exp3949)". Apr 27, 2001.

11 mg smoked 2C-T-2 (freebase)
Synthesis: 20mg 2C-T-2 HCl was dissolved in ~5mL dH2O. To this solution was added three drops of 10% ammonia. The resulting 2C-T-2 freebase was extracted with methylene chloride. A small amount of NaCl was added to the remaining ammonium chloride/water solution and another methylene chloride extraction was performed. Approx. 16mg of 2C-T-2 freebase (with maybe some NaCl in there too) was successfully extracted.

I smoked 9-12mg of the freebase; the smoke tasted terrible. At twenty seconds there was a bodily alert, and in one minute the psychedelic effects began to present themselves. I found myself relatively clear-headed, with an increasingly intense body buzz and visuals characteristic to the 2C family. At 5min, I threw up and felt somewhat better.

My senses were sharpened very noticeably by the drug; I exited the bathroom to be bombarded by the smell of pizza from the kitchen. I decided that pizza was not what I wanted to smell (my stomach was still shaky) and retired to my room. I stayed there for about 45min, listening to music in the relative darkness. Open eye visuals were pretty; no closed eye visuals were noticed. Mentally, I felt pretty normal. It didn't feel much like an oral dose.

I got up and took a walk with my friends, in the cold night air. I felt much better and over the course of the hour felt the 2C-T-2 fading. By 2.5h, I was nearly down and by 3h I couldn't notice any effects other than a slight headache that the 2C-Ts tend to give me in their aftermath.

Smoking 2C-T-2 was certainly effective, but I don't think it had much to say to me other than 'Your walls are pretty' and 'I taste like shit.' I think I'll stick to oral administration.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 27, 2001Views: 28,572
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