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Micronesian Experiences
Betel Nut
Citation:   Fiveflowers. "Micronesian Experiences: An Experience with Betel Nut (exp3972)". Dec 9, 2000.

A very large percentage of the folks living in the islands (Micronesia) have betel nut 'going on' all the time. I've only used the fresh nut, so I don't know about the products you'll be getting through the mail if you order it... With a fresh nut, just slice it in half, put a pinch of lime on the internal surfaces, wrap the whole thing up in a nice fresh kabui leaf, and chomp on it a few times (very hard and fibrous)and then 'couch it' between your gums and cheek. Soon you'll notice a slight to heavy buzz...and your perceptions will take a turn for the luminescent. It is easy to build up a tolerance... It is mellow and pleasant.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3972
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2000Views: 20,140
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Betel Nut (92) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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